{image by @krime_1}

WHAT: Eco-anarchist gathering
WHERE: Crabapple, Shrewsbury, UK
WHEN: 25-29th July, 2024.

Received anonymously via email:

“We call all animal liberation activists and anarchists to come to the Earth First! Gathering in Shrewsbury next week, to mingle, plot against the industries that destroy the earth and harm animals and to learn from one another. We are aware it is at the same time as VCO and to that we say fuck that capitalist enterprise!

Earth First! Gathering is a five day event where everybody is crew (that means if you see a job, you have a job!), pay-as-you-feel priced and with an anti capitalist, eco anarchist ethos. You bring your own tent, you get fed vegan food by Veggies kitchen (it is their 40th anniversary, isn’t that cool!?) and you learn shit from people who do shit, or teach shit if you fancy, or plot your next actions, or relax and have a breather after continuously organising for the year!

We want to see more animal liberation folk involved (because the gathering is what we make it!) so lets meet and organise! 

EF!UK has uploaded a few of the workshop descriptions to their website already and a few are looking awesome, from How to care for a rescue fox hound to discussions on violence, there is. Lot to talk about! 

See you next week in EF!

More info:

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