VIA: DarkNights.
31st July, Chile.
‘In the early morning of Monday, July 31, a group of people who boarded as passengers, intimidated the driver, got off the other passengers and sprayed benzine to set fire to a Red bus on Las Rejas Avenue, next to Lo Errazuriz Park.
According to the Minister of Transportation Juan Carlos Muñozs, “this is a matter of investigation, however, preliminary information indicates that it is likely to have been intentional. Of course, we find this much more than regrettable, it is condemnable”.
A banner read: “Subversive Solidarity between peoples in resistance! Freedom to the subversive, anarchist and Mapuche prisoners: Luis Tranamil, Nelson Queupil, Rodrigo Cáceres, Daniel Canio, Mónica y Francisco, Mauricio Hernández, Tomy Moto, Caso Susaron and Caso Gendarmería. Our path is and will be the weichan!!!” ‘