23rd November, Switzerland.
Received anonymously via email:
“We’ve been out to play again… this time it was your well decorated store front windows that we had a taste for.
We visited 6 locations on this long, sleepless night, you don’t have to worry though, we absolutely had fun! Thank you!
It’s just a real shame that when you go to work in the morning, It’s going to be very cold and breezy for you, We didn’t check but… you have insurance right? I hope the cost to repair these windows isn’t going to come out of the profit you’ve made from our dead friends?
We’re going to keep an eye on you though, we might wait before we visit again, maybe when you’re back, feeling normal, comfortable and when you think you’ve forgotten, we will make sure that you don’t.
Sweet dreams for now xoxo
6 Windows for 6 days in prison.
Stop stealing our comrades.
Fuck the prison system <3”