Let’s get the bandanas out of the way first shall we? You’ve asked for them over, and over, and over again, so there are now bandanas back on stock on the website alongside patches. Last time they sold out hours after uploading them. Go check if there still are any left. They are handprinted so expect rough designs and imperfections.
To make it even more exciting, we’ve made TEN bundles of Bandana and Flag for 25 GBP. So basically the fastest ten people will get a really nice deal!
Now, to important business: We are super excited to be stocking Wildfire Magazine, a new anarchist, animal liberation magazine full of artwork, photography, news about direct action, tips and tricks, philosophy, theory and even a ridiculous comic series called Black Mask drawn by Praxis.
We have attached the index of the magazine to this post for you to see how it looks like. It is pretty sick!
Wildfire is also Bulk selling bundles for groups who want to make some cash towards their campaigns, so if you want to sell the mags and put the cash towards a grassroots group or campaign, message them on wildfire magazine (at) riseup (dot) net.
And that’s basically it, go to the shop page on our website and have some beginning of the month radical fun!