We’ve existed for a decade as a platform to educate, to support prisoners and to share anonymous reports of direct action. Over the years we have found a balance between anonymity and usability for those reporting and evolved the methods to submit reports. On this short article we just want to outline the method we recommend to submit reports anonymously.

Please note that we do not share fascist reports, reports containing transphobia or racism or any other form of hatred, reports submitted over social media DMs or reports of open rescues.


1- We would advice people to use TOR browser for this, but we have no way of enforcing it. TOR will be A LOT more anonymous than replicating the process on other browsers.

Get it here:

1.1- if you need to really take care of your anonymity you should use TAILS OS, which can be flashed into a drive and used in any computer. This is not compulsory and you should decide if the report grants seeking that level of security. It might not be the same to report about mice traps than to report about an arson!

Learn about TailsOS here:

2- Head to our website, under the tab “Contact Us”

Link here:

3- Under the Contact Form box, write your report. Please include a date and a location. If you prefer to report in any other language than English please understand that some languages might be machine translated and might not completely reflect your exact words.

DO NOT include personal details, or a way to contact you back. We don’t want to know who you are. We don’t want to discuss anything. This is simply to keep the platform safe.

4- Have you got photos or videos of the action? Lets look into that:

4.1- Metadata might be betraying you. Use any metadata removing software to delete it. This is easier than it sounds. You can use ExifEraser, or simply upload and download it to signal to delete metadata (but be mindful if you’re using signal, should you be uploading incriminating photos to your personal chat app?)

4.2- Upload the media to any shitty service that keeps that media for a minimum of 7 days. Shorter periods will likely expire before we download it. We cant be held responsible for the loss of your media. Some suggestions of file uploader services might be WeTransfer, Ufile and SwissTransfer. PLEASE CHECK that you are sending a link with at least 7 days expiration date!

You DO NOT need to put a password on the files. This overcomplicates the transfer of media that will be publicly published anyway. We might be unable to decrypt your media and it doesn’t add any benefit to the security, as that media will be made public anyway!

5- Alongside your written report, paste the media download link.

6- complete a silly maths problem (this is supposed to keep robots at bay, but it really doesn’t tbf, who would’ve thought!)

7- Tap on “Encrypt and Send”. Your report will be encrypted by itself and sent to our inbox. You can re-send your report if you’ve not seen it appear online within 14 days.

Please don’t contact us about “getting you in touch with the ALF”. We don’t know who the anonymous reporters are.

Please do not give us personal information when reporting something. We don’t want to know who the anonymous reporters are.



Its been a little while since we have written about Cara & Celeste, who were arrested and accused of a mink liberation in the USA. We don’t have updates about the case but would like to remind folks of their legal fundraiser, which is still stuck at 16k when they are needing to raise 75k USD.

Please, if you are reading this, send what you can afford to the fundraiser.

If that is 1 USD, that is better than nothing. If it is 100, that is equally as awesome!

Maybe it’d be cool to organise a fundraising event locally with other anarchist and animal rights folks? A fundraising diner, or a gig, or whatever other event that will help raise awareness and funds! If you are organising anything, we will be very happy to promote it so hit us up!

It is important to remember that c&c havr not been convicted for this crime, but that as a movement we are responsible for the wellbeing of all of us, and that includes ensuring that anyone who is facing the court system knows we have their backs!

If you cant afford donating, and you can’t organise a fundraiser, it would be awesome if you can share this post far and wide so others read it, collective self defence will take us far!

Donate here:



When? 26th April. 12pm
Where? MBR ACRES, Cambridgeshire, UK.
What? National demo against vivisection.

Received anonymously:

“On April 26th, 2025, the animal freedom movement and the wider public are coming together to remember the countless animals killed inside laboratories in the UK and across the world.

World Day for Animals in Laboratories has been held every year since 1979, and this year we will stand united outside the notorious puppy factory MBR Acres.

This will be the largest event outside of MBR in recent memory; not just a protest against their violence, but a celebration of our movement and our power. With speakers from the MBR Suppliers campaign, Animal Rising, who liberated 22 dogs from MBR, and a video address from Chris Packham, on April 26th we stand shoulder to shoulder outside of MBR and show the animal testing industry the scale of our power when our movement pulls together.

The protest starts at 12pm @ MBR Acres, Huntingdon PE28 2DT”


5th March, Stuttgart Germany.

Received anonymously via email:

“Last night we went on a mission to destroy some despicable poisonous rat traps in Stuttgart City.

The rectangular boxes filled with rat poison are screwed to the ground and side walls of the buildings, so these innocent little creatures come there for a snack and die a slow and painful death.

We managed to break off 17 traps from the floor with a crow bar and a side cutter. Because there is Karneval in Germany, we‘ve had unexpectedly full streets with drunk people and cab drivers crossing our way every few seconds.

An ACAB police car crossed our way three times and still they were too stupid to detect what we were up to.

Some fully masked people with a crow bar and big trashpacks full of rat traps are definitely nothing to worry about, so keep driving and fuck off stupid bastards, or would you like to have a little snack out of the rat traps yourself?

Since you guys are connaisseurs of violence and protectors of injustice, you might like the taste of it.

We intend to return for some more traps since they are located in areas we couldn‘t do much due to the traffic.

Fuck this speciesistic system and let’s liberate all animals!

P.S. Destroying rat traps isn‘t difficult, all you need is a crow bar, some trash bags, face cover and a calm night.

We saw some traps that had blocked entrances with rolled up newspapers, so this might be better than nothing if you see a trap and can‘t do more in this specific moment.

Every saved life counts.”


10th March, Australia.

Received anonymously via email:

“Greetings and salutations with love from the A.L.F. in so-called Australia

Todays action involved some sabotage of a resting death truck trailer. Sitting in plain sight, unattended, how could we not?

The recipe for this economic sabotage involved:

The classic, trusted red spray paint
Cutting of all wires and hoses
Damage to connection ports and lights
Drilling holes in 20 tyres
Sabotage of dog muzzles

This trailer will not be transporting any animals to their deaths any time soon.
For any comrades inspired by this action, a “step-up” drill bit comes with our stamp of approval 😉
Fuck speciesism and the animal industrial complex!
Until every slaughterhouse is burned to the ground, every death truck is sabotaged and every cage is empty.

We acknowledge that this action was taken on land never ceded. We acknowledge the First Nations peoples of this land, and stand in solidarity with their continuing struggle and fight against dispossession and oppression. Always was and always fucking will be First Nations land!

PS: Free Palestine, Congo, Sudan and all other lands fighting against colonisation.”


Last week we where glad to inform you about that Sindre, a animal right activist from so called Sweden, has been released from the closed psychiatric ward.

Since last week we had the opportunity to talk to Sindre, where he among other things spoke about his time incarcerated, what he thinks can help prisoners, and what he wants do to in the future.

  • Congratulations on your release! When where you released?

”Thanks, on the 25th February I got the final notice that I’ve been transferred to the open psychiatric care.”

  • How are you?

”I am good and very happy to have gotten rid off the closed psychiatric wards.”

  • How has the time been since we last spoke? What have you done, what has happened?

”Its been better & better since I’ve gotten more and more time to stay at home with my family and my animal companions. I’ve read a lot of books and taken a lot of long walks with my best dog friend when I’ve been at home.”

  • Last time we spoke you told us you have been getting to visit/sleep at home, outside of he closed psychiatric ward. Where you allowed to do so the whole time?

”I have been allowed to stay more and more at home until the recent months where I finally has been able to only visit the hospital for a few hours a week to pick up medication with the doctors approval.”

  • What can you tell us more about your time in prison?

”My time incarcerated has been hard. But compared to other inmates I’ve had it easier since I where released after little more than one year while many others have been locked up for much longer before getting free.”

  • What helped you specifically get through this/your prison time. And what do you think people can do to support others incarcerated?

”The biggest part was definitely the support from my family and comrades. Both the ones I know and all the kind people which I don’t know that sent me letters, drawings and postcards while incarcerated. Also the fact that I knew taking action against animal abusers is the right thing to do helped in getting me through this period. The best way of helping incarcerated people in my opinion is to let them know that they never are alone, to support them with contact because prisons & institutions are often very isolating and they try to tell you that you’re the one who done wrong while in reality the system is in the wrong.”

  • Have you missed anything during your time in prison?
    ”I’ve had amazing support and can’t say I missed much at all except my freedom.”
  • What do you want to do now?

”Now I want to continue fighting for animal liberation in every way I can since my commitment to it remains the same. I also want to enjoy spending lots of time with my animal friends, family & comrades.”

  • Is there anything else you want to say?

”No i think it’s good.”



Received anonymously via email:

“It is common to hear folks eager to take action but not knowing how to start. It can be daunting to take the step into direct action when you do not have people around you to train you. Yet, direct action has always been rooted into DIY culture, and because of security concerns, people taking direct action don’t normally tend to open up to newcomers. With this short series I want to propose steps to empower yourself into taking action by utilising the concept of anarchist calisthenics, even if it doesn’t necessarily fit the description!

So what is Anarchist Calisthenics? A term coined by James C. Scott explaining that small acts of resistance build the muscles for bigger acts of disobedience. Whilst James proposes a future where we will be forced to fight back, I would say that we are already there, and the need to fight back against oppression is already heavily felt by many. The jaws of the machine are strong, and sometimes it is difficult to feel empowered enough to push back against things that feel extremely oppressive, so anarchist calisthenics proposes a playful training ground where daily acts of insubordination to the status quo gets us more comfortable with the idea of throwing blows back!

Anarchist calisthenics might perhaps not completely fit into how to empower oneself to take direct action for animal liberation, but it gives us a good guideline: start small, with innocuous actions, and build a spirit of continuos resistance through the mundane, so that in the future when you see the big monster of speciesism you are already prepared to punch back, knowing that you can indeed fight with might!

In future parts of the series we will discuss ideas for small acts of resistance against speciesism, but I would like to pose the question to all of you. Without claiming responsibility and incriminating yourself, what small actions can people do to get comfortable with taking action?

Fight back, until we win!”


February, Athens Greece.

via: Greek indymedia.

ENGLISH (translation):

“Taking responsibility for intervention-sabotage at the Varvakeio market on Ash Wednesday




Tradition, customs and traditions are an informal framework of values that are still observed in modern culture. In Greek tradition in particular, the killing and mass consumption of non-human animals according to the Christian calendar is deeply rooted. One of these days is Tsiknopesthuy, on which countless animals are tortured and murdered on the altar of human profit and entertainment. While it has been translated as a day of celebration, it is nothing less than the human species’ tendency to dominate, dominate and torture other species. Ash Wednesday is yet another point in the capitalist system in which man, industry and corporations enrich themselves at the expense of non-human animals in the most cannibalistic way. On that day and beyond, millions of animals are taken to slaughterhouses because of demand. Massively people tend to uncontrolled consumption of carcasses because of tradition.

The Varvakeios market of Athens, apart from the central meat market, was for many years a slaughterhouse, where hundreds of animals, mainly chickens, were killed every day. People from all the suburbs flocked there with their live animals to turn them into pieces of meat. In recent years, the operation of the Barbican had shrunk mainly due to the massive expansion of super markets in the neighborhoods and price competition. But one thing hasn’t changed, the dismembered animal carcasses inside its windows. In the time of the economic crisis, the surrounding area was deserted and today it is a “fillet” in the hands of the respective investors. With the rapid touristization of recent years, an attempt is being made to gentrify the area, followed by a fashion of “embracing” – exploiting – traditions, creating a nostalgic atmosphere around the “traditional” professions. In complete harmony with the tourist guides of other European cities, in Athens too, tourists are invited to take a stroll through the Kenyan market and shop for traditional products against a backdrop of skinned carcasses hanging from the tongs. In this way the butcher’s stalls become a background for a photo shoot.

In full agreement with this grotesque situation comes the opening of a pop-up night club in the third arcade of Varvakeion. Suddenly some nights, dazzling spotlights, luxury cars, doormen, railings pop up. The whole scene of nocturnal Athens is transported between the showcases that in the morning were adorned with dead animals, people of all ages dancing wildly on the floor that in the morning will drip with the blood of the beasts. Commodity, money, alienation. No one thinks at that moment about the dead animal, the one being dismembered, the one being sold, the one being roasted next to them – just for effect. In this process, the marketplace acquires a new meaning and content, purifying its true commercial function.

We thus decided, on the evening of Ash Wednesday 20 February 2025, to intervene in this capitalist fiesta with ampoules of stink, causing a small proportional economic sabotage of the businesses that profit on the torture, slaughter and exploitation of animals. On a symbolic level, we hope it served as a reminder to patrons of what space they are in by simulating the stench of the ampoule to that of slaughterhouses and butcher shops. This little intervention lasted only a few minutes, but it was enough for everyone to run away and empty the space. A place where since the morning of Ash Wednesday, with the help of the Municipality of Athens, the bodies of many sentient animals were roasted.

The discomfort of the night users of the Barbican strongly reminded us of the discomfort we feel as we walk outside in the mornings, smelling the death of slaughtered flesh.



GREEK (original):

“Ανάληψη ευθύνης για παρέμβαση-σαμποτάζ στη Βαρβάκειο αγορά την Τσικνοπέμπτη




Η παράδοση, τα ήθη και τα έθιμα αποτελούν ένα άτυπο πλαίσιο αξιών που τηρούνται ακόμα και στον σύγχρονο πολιτισμό. Στην ελληνική παράδοση συγκεκριμένα είναι βαθιά ριζωμένη η θανάτωση και η μαζική κατανάλωση μη ανθρώπινων ζώων κατά το χριστιανικό ημερολόγιο. Μία από αυτές τις ημέρες είναι και η Τσικνοπέμπτη, κατά την οποία βασανίζονται και δολοφονούνται αμέτρητα ζώα στο βωμό του κέρδους και της διασκέδασης του ανθρώπου. Ενώ έχει μεταφραστεί ως μέρα γιορτής, δεν αποτελεί τίποτα λιγότερο από την τάση του ανθρώπινου είδους να εξουσιάζει, κυριαρχεί και βασανίζει άλλα είδη. Η Τσικνοπέμπτη αποτελεί ακόμη ένα σημείο στο καπιταλιστικό σύστημα κατά το οποίο ο άνθρωπος, οι βιομηχανίες και οι εταιρείες πλουτίζουν εις βάρος των μη ανθρώπινων ζώων με τον πιο κανιβαλιστικό τρόπο. Εκείνη την ημέρα, και όχι μόνο, οδηγούνται σε σφαγεία εκατομμύρια ζώα λόγω της ζήτησης. Μαζικά τείνουν οι άνθρωποι στην ανεξέλεγκτη κατανάλωση πτωμάτων λόγω της παράδοσης.

Η Βαρβάκειος αγορά της Αθηνας, πέρα από την κεντρική κρεαταγορά αποτελούσε για πολλά χρόνια και σφαγείο, όπου εκατοντάδες ζώα, κυρίως κοτόπουλα, δολοφονούνταν κάθε μερα. Άνθρωποι από όλα τα προάστια συνέρρεαν εκεί με τα ζωντανά ζώα τους για να τα μετατρέψουν σε κομμάτια κρέατος. Τα τελευταία χρόνια η λειτουργία της Βαρβακείου είχε συρρικνωθεί κυρίως λόγω της μαζικής επέκτασης των super market στις γειτονιές και του ανταγωνισμού των τιμών. Ένα πράγμα όμως δεν άλλαξε, τα διαμελισμένα πτώματα των ζώων μέσα στις βιτρίνες της. Την εποχή της οικονομικής κρίσης, η γύρω περιοχή ερήμωσε και σήμερα αποτελεί “φιλέτο” στα χέρια των εκάστοτε επενδυτών. Με την ραγδαία τουριστικοποίηση των τελευταίων χρόνων γίνεται μια προσπάθεια εξευγενισμού της ευρύτερης περιοχής συνακολουθούμενη με μια μόδα “αγκαλιάσματος” – εκμετάλλευσης – των παραδόσεων δημιουργώντας μια νοσταλγική ατμόσφαιρα γύρω από τα “παραδοσιακά” επαγγέλματα. Σε μια πλήρη σύμπνοια με τους τουριστικούς οδηγούς των άλλων ευρωπαϊκών πόλεων, έτσι και στην Αθήνα οι τουρίστες καλούνται να περάσουν μια βόλτα από την κεντική αγορά και να ψωνίσουν παραδοσιακά προϊόντα με φόντο τα γδαρμένα κουφάρια κρεμασμένα από τα τσιγκέλια. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο οι πάγκοι του χασάπη μετατρέπονται σε φόντο φωτογράφισης.

Σε πλήρη συμφωνία με αυτήν την τραγελαφική κατάσταση έρχεται να κουμπώσει το άνοιγμα ενός νυχτερινού pop-up club μέσα στην τρίτη στοά της Βαρβακείου. Ξαφνικά κάποια βράδια, ξεπροβάλλουν εκτυφλωτικοί προβολείς, αυτοκίνητα πολυτελείας, πορτιέρηδες, κιγκλιδώματα. Όλο το σκηνικό της νυχτερινής Αθήνας μεταφέρεται ανάμεσα στις προθήκες που το πρωί κοσμούσαν νεκρά ζώα, άνθρωποι όλων των ηλικιών χορεύουν ξέφρενα στο πάτωμα που το πρωί θα στάζει το αίμα των κτηνών. Εμπόρευμα, χρήμα, αλλοτρίωση. Κανείς δεν σκέφτεται εκείνη την στιγμή το νεκρό ζώο, αυτό που τεμαχίζεται, αυτό που πουλήθηκε, αυτό που ψήνεται δίπλα τους – μόνο και μόνο για το εφέ. Μέσα σε αυτή τη διαδικασία ο χώρος της αγοράς αποκτά νέο νοήμα και περιεχόμενο, εξαγνίζοντας την πραγματική εμπορική του λειτουργία.

Αποφασίσαμε έτσι, το βράδυ της Τσικνοπέμπτης 20 Φλεβάρη 2025 να παρέμβουμε στην καπιταλιστική αυτή φιέστα με αμπούλες βρώμας, προκαλώντας ένα μικρό αναλογικά οικονομικό σαμποτάζ στις επιχειρήσεις που κερδοσκοπούν πάνω στο βασανισμό, τη σφαγή και την εκμετάλλευση των ζώων. Σε συμβολικό επίπεδο ελπίζουμε να λειτούργησε ως υπενθύμιση στους θαμώνες σε ποιο χώρο βρίσκονται προσομοιάζοντας την μπόχα της αμπούλας με αυτήν των σφαγείων και των κρεοπωλείων. Η μικρή αυτή παρέμβαση διήρκησε μόλις μερικά λεπτά, ήταν όμως αρκετά για να φύγουν όλοι τρέχοντας και να αδειάσει ο χώρος. Ένας χώρος όπου από το πρωί της Τσικνοπέμπτης με την αρωγή του Δήμου Αθηναίων ψήθηκαν τα κορμιά πολλών αισθανόμενων ζώων.

Η δυσφορία των νυχτερινών χρηστών της Βαρβακείου μας θύμισε έντονα την δυσφορία που νιώθουμε εμείς καθώς περνάμε απ’ έξω τα πρωινά, μυρίζοντας τον θάνατο από σφαγμένες σάρκες.