Reported animal liberation actions in the month of august, by country:

UK: 5
Denmark: 3
Argentina: 2
Greece: 2
Sweden: 1
France: 1
Chile: 1
Italy: 1
Spain: 1

In the month of august, a total of seventeen animal liberation direct action reports were received by Unoffensive Animal, making it the second busiest month of this year, just behind February (21 reports).

The UK seemed to get busy in August with one sabotage at a turkey farm and four liberations, which totalled 166 animals liberated (egg laying hens, broiler chicks and turkeys) and which included the complete emptying and destroying of a backyard egg farm with cages outlawed over a decade ago.

Denmark was a close second with three reported actions, the three being what has come to be the Danish signature action, spray painting speciesist shops in the capital.

Notably, Greece reported an arson that rendered a whole egg factory to ashes, with the anonymous reporters saying “If you rebuild it, we’ll burn it again.”

It was also a busy month for antifascist action in the UK, with multiple fascist demos popping up around the country. For that reason we produced a quick intro to joining antifascist demonstrations (illustrated by Praxis!)

On the prisoner support front we reported about Vegan Peredachki, a Russian vegan prisoner support organisation, we reminded folks to please write to Marius and we accounted how much money we managed to raise for press caso Susaron: a total of 600 GBP was sent to their support team!

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