Until the end goal of prison abolishment is reached, there will be prisoners needing our support. Anyone caught up under the victimhood of society and committing what the system would consider crimes, anyone making a stand for a better world and being incarcerated, deserve the care and love of the people outside. It might not bring them freedom, but showing solidarity fills prisoners with love and hope.
Below there is a very short list of activists that dared to want to change the world for the better. You can write letters to them using the address written on the description under their name or you can write it in the email form at the bottom of the page and send it to us with a small donation to cover postage, we will send it for you. For a longer list of prisoners, check Brighton ABC and NY ABC.
“If they haven’t got prisoners, we have stopped fighting. If our prisoners are forgotten about, they have beaten us.”
Keith Mann, ALF activist and former prisoner

Sindre is an animal rights activist, 21 years old, from so-called Sweden. Sindre is a kind and respected comrade in the animal rights community, who has fought against animal abusers in various ways.
In October 2023, Sindre was sentenced to forensic psychiatric forced care. The verdict refers to prosecution for actions in 2021, against the former fur farmer Niklas Pettersson. Sindre denies the alleged crime. Sindre was also sentenced to pay SEK 10,000 in damages to Niklas. The sentence was appealed, but later in 2023 The Court of Appeal upheld the verdict. If Sindre had not been sentenced to forensic psychiatric care, his prison sentence would have been only four months.
Sindre was detained immediately after the trial, on the ninth of October, and has since been imprisoned without an end date. A horrible sentence!
Support Sindre! Help him endure behind bars, let him know he’s not alone. Send letters to the following address:
Sindre Annasson Persson
Rudolf Jonassons väg 25B
24136 Eslöv

The City of Atlanta has leased 381-acres of Weelaunee Forest, stolen Muscogee land, to the Atlanta Police Foundation for a police military facility funded by corporations. The protests against this have been receiving increasingly high levels of state violence and repression.
Larry is the last #stopcopcity forest defender currently behind bars and would like to receive more letters to keep them connected to the outside world. Write to them and remind them they are not alone.
Remember not to mention any illegal activity, these letters will be read by prison staff.
Laurance Clark #2404538
2 North 604 C/O Securus Digital Mail Center
Fulton County Jail
PO Box 989
Lebanon, MO
Jessica Reznicek.

In 2016, Jessica took action to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline but dismantling machinery as well as pipeline valves. In 2021 she was sentenced to eight years in prison, aided by the application of a terrorism enhancement to her action to save the water and show solidarity with indigenous communities. Without that terrorism enhancement, she would’ve served three years instead. She has also been asked for restitution of $3,198,512.70 paid to Energy Transfer LLC.
She reported to prison on August 11th and she could do with letters of support and love. She likes nature, camping, swimming, hiking, theology, music, gardening, laughter and eco-sustainability.
Please write to her here:
Jessica Reznicek # 19293-030
FCI Waseca
PO Box 1731
Waseca, MN 56093
Keep up to date with her case and with all other ways to support her whilst incarcerated on the support website: https://supportjessicareznicek.com/
Scheduled release: 11th August 2029

Ita was released, sentenced to 5 years of probation and ankle monitor. The other three comrades are still awaiting trial.
Panda has been sentenced to 4.5 years of effective prison. We are still awaiting trial for Ru and Tort
Back in September 2022, national and international news covered an arson attack at a meat packaging plant in Chile, where the refrigeration system and the trucks had been set alight by antispeciesist activists.
In November 2022, four people were arrested and remanded to prison accused of the arson and under investigation.
Since then, the four comrades arrested have been adjusting to prison but their spirits are high and their political views are stronger than ever. They even managed to help rescue a cat and her kittens from inside of prison to release them to the free world to be seen by a vet. A true prison escape story!
They are going to need lots of support economically, but they should also receive emotional support and as many letters of love and support as possible.
Prosecution is asking for a minimum of 10 years in prison, but they will have a review of their case (and a reevaluation of their remand) in January 2023.
The four comrades arrested have chosen to remain anonymous and are using pseudonyms as names, they do not wish their photos to be published and will be receiving letters via an email address that is managed by friends outside.
RU/GATO is an anarcho-nihilist, vegan, straight edge prisoner. He is 28 years old, loves animals and hates drugs. He maintains his belief in illegal direct action as the tool to fight for animal and total liberation. He considers himself a proud political prisoner against the business that controls the Chilean territory.
PANDA is a straight edge, vegan anarchist prisoner. He is 26 years old. Enemy of the law and order forcefully imposed by the capitalist system. Loves nature, ecosystems, animals and simplicity. Proud political prisoner, honest with his politics and vehemently in favour of animal and human liberation from the business-territory so-called Chile.
TORTU is a vegan, anarcho-nihilist, straight edge political prisoner. Hates the system, loves nature, animals and freedom for all. Proud political prisoner for animal liberation.
Please write to them, you can simply write an email specifying who you are sending it to [email protected]
If you can afford it, consider sending some cash to the support group, who will be redistributing funds between them for commissary but also will be helping with legal costs, solicitors and court costs.
Their communal PayPal is [email protected]
Leonard Peltier

Leonard Peltier was arrested because of a shootout in June 1975 on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota in which two FBI agents were shot and killed. Although there was (and is) no evidence against him, and his two co-defendants were acquitted before his trial started, Peltier was convicted in 1977 by a racist court hand-picked by the FBI to get a guilty verdict. Other government misconduct during Peltier’s trial included coercion of witnesses, intentional use of false testimonies, hiding ballistics evidence, and manufacturing a murder weapon. Despite all of this, Peltier has been consistently denied requests for a new trial.
Peltier has now spent over forty years (!) in prison for a crime he did not commit. People are commonly set free due to a single constitutional violation, but Peltier – innocent and faced with a staggering number of constitutional violations – has yet to receive equal justice.
Leonard Peltier #89637-132
USP Coleman I
P.O. BOX 1033
Sending mail.
All mail is opened and read. Do not include paperclips, staples, glitter or anything extra as this may mean your letter is rejected by the prison. You are allowed to send books, but they must be paperback and ship directly from the publisher or online store.
Release date: none, imprisonment recorded by the court as ‘life’
More information: https://www.whoisleonardpeltier.info
Marius Mason

Marius Mason is a transgender anarchist and environmental and animal rights activist serving nearly twenty-two years in federal prison for acts of property damage carried out in defence of the planet.
After being threatened with a life sentence in 2009 for acts of sabotage, he plead guilty to his involvement in an ELF arson at a University lab researching genetically modified organisms for Monsanto, as well as admitting to twelve other acts of property damage (it is speculated though as to whether he was forced to accept guilt for these as part of a plea bargain). No one was physically harmed in these actions. At sentencing, the judge applied a so-called “terrorism enhancement”, adding almost two years to an already extreme sentence requested by the prosecution. This is the harshest punishment of anyone convicted of environmental sabotage to date.
Marius Mason #04672-061
FMC Fort Worth
P.O. Box 15330
Fort Worth, TX 76119
Letters are one of the only ways Marius can connect to the outside world. He loves to hear about people’s projects, what they’re reading, sensory information, animals, daily life, political thoughts. Even brief postcards, especially if they are sent regularly, help him feel connected. You can also send in printed out copies of articles, which helps him keep up to date on the world.
Marius has a list of 100 pre-approved people he can write to; this means he will be able to receive your letter but until your name is added to his list he cannot write back. Marius can request people to be added/removed but this takes time and is not always granted.
Sending mail.
Please address letters to “Marie (Marius) Mason.” Contrary to previous reports, Carswell is not accepting mail addressed to “Marius.” All mail is opened and read. Letters that mention other Green Scare prisoners may be rejected. Marius has a list of 100 pre-approved people he can write to; this means he will be able to receive your letter but until your name is added to his list he cannot write back.
Your letter and envelope must contain your first and last name when writing. If letters are not entirely in English, they may be delayed up to several months. Be sure to include your return address on the envelope and in the letter/card. You may also want to include his name and prisoner number on the letter/card in case it gets separated from the envelope during processing. Page numbers are also helpful in case of lost pages (example: page 1 of 5).
Last, letters and envelopes with anything “affixed” to the letter or card – such as glitter, glue, or white-out are not permitted but do not let that stop you from sending a colourful letter! Pen, pencil, crayon and paint in the letter (not on the envelope) are accepted. Marius can also receive articles printed from the internet (which helps him keep up to date on the world) or photocopies but no newspaper clippings.
Marius is always in need of penpals. As people become more digitally focused and less familiar with writing letters, letters have dropped off, contributing to his isolation. Even brief postcards, especially if they are sent regularly, help him feel connected.
If you’re stuck on what to write, you could tell him about projects you’re working on, what you’re reading, sensory information, animals, daily life, political thoughts. And if you don’t feel up to writing, you can always send him book/s (must be paperback and direct from the publisher or an online bookstore only)!
Release date: January 10, 2027.
Type up some solidarity messages for someone in the list and we will post it for you Include your address in the main message box if you want to give them a chance to answer back or don’t include any details and make the letter completely anonymous. Please drop us a PayPal donation to help with the cost of printing, envelopes and stamps.
Confused about our stance against prisons, the justice system and the police? Read some resources below: