17th November, Argentina.

via: @anarcoveganismo.arg

ENGLISH (translation):

“Antispeciesist and anarchist activists liberated 10 chickens from a place of exploitation.

We feel the urgency to take direct action and to try against all odds to change the fait of some, even if it is just a single life that is being used and exploited in this sleepy society so comfortable with speciesism.

No animal is our slave.
Animals are not things to sale, all we should do is to break their cages and liberate them, so they can become someone once again and stop being something that will be chopped up.

On a whim, we had to run with some of those chickens, looking back to all those who we couldn’t take with. We will come back for revenge. The revenge of all those who were murdered.

Veganism is war and an endless fight until every cage is empty.

Animal liberation, real and total.
Not just words, but our deeds!
Risk everything, we owe it to them!

From the animal liberation front we want to thank for the news and say: Veganism without animal liberation is a diet. All our complicity with everybody who takes action to give animals a different future, a chance to be born again.

Solidarity and antispeciesist self organisation. “

SPANISH (original):

Liberación de 10 gallinas de la explotación.

[Recibido por mensaje interno/anónimo]

”Activistas antiespecistas y Anarquistas liberaron 10 gallinas de la explotación de un centro de exterminio. 

Sentimos la urgencia de tomar acción directa e intentar contra todo pronóstico cambiarles el destino aún que sea a una sola vida que esta siendo cosificada y explotada en esta sociedad dormida y cómoda en el especismo. 

Ningún animal es nuestro esclavo,

Los animales no son mercancía y lo que debemos hacer es romper sus jaulas y darles libertad, para que vuelvan a ser alguien y dejen de ser algo que será descuartizado.

La mañana nos toma por sorpresa y debemos huir junto a ellas , mirando atrás a todas las que no pudimos salvar.
Pero volveremos por venganza, la venganza de las que fueron asesinadas.

Veganismo es guerra, y una lucha interminable hasta que cada jaula esté vacía. 
Liberación Animal total y real. 
No es un eslogan,es nuestro deber!

Arriesgarlo todo ,se lo debemos!”

Desde el frente de liberacion animal queremos agradecer estas noticias que nos llegan y decir:

Veganismo sin liberacion animal es dieta, 
Toda nuestra complicidad para quienes ponen el cuepo en una acción para darles a los demás animales un destino diferente, una oportunidad de volver a nacer.

Solidaridad y autogestion antiespecista”


Cara and Celeste were arrested back in October after a mink farm was raided in Pensylvania. They spent a few weeks in jail until the judge agreed to a reduction to 10% on their bail as well as dropping a few other bail conditions, and they were able to come out a few days ago. Whilst a reduction from 150k USD to 15k each for bail is an amazing drop in costs, Cara and Celeste are now facing such massive legal costs that they need all the help they can get.

They are facing multiple charges including felony eco-terrorism, accused of the release of 600+ mink from a fur farm. Their support team is fundraising 75k USD to help cover sots of legal, transportation and other outgoings for the long road ahead.

We have launched our own fundraiser, supported by artists @praxis_vgz, @daisy.lotta, @zerofoursixeight and @steveortiz_art.

Grab yourself a tshirt, a print (or a full collection if you fancy!). If you grab both a collection and a tshirt, we will add some free stickers to your order which have been specially designed for this fundraiser!

This is a pre-order item only. The preorder starts today and it stops 12th December, we will not print any more t-shirts than the ones you order, so please go grab one now, support the initiative. Every single penny in profits will be sent to Philly ABC’s run Cara&Celeste fundraiser.

As always, our site is not a shop, it is a pay as you feel style donation where we send you cool itemz when you drop some coins, so please if you can afford it donate more than the minimum for tshirts and prints! We’ve set the minimum price at 20 GBP for tshirts, 15GBP for the full print collection and 7GBP for individual prints. If you can donate more, please do!

Prints are A4 size, on thick, recycled luxury paper. The tshirts are printed on NoSweat garments, who run a campaign against sweatshops and produce garments that are organic, eco friendly and only made in cooperative factories.

Grab them here: https://unoffensiveanimal.is/product-category/mink-trial-solidarity/

If you grab other items on the same order, please understand they will all be sent together with the pre-order items, so you might now receive them for a little while.

Please, grab a tee and a print, share it around and spread the word. let’s support folks when they face the system, prisoner support is our biggest weapon!

If you don’t want to buy shit to clutter your wardrobe, please just donate some coins to the legal fundraiser: www.unoffensiveanimal.is/nu2

PS: Please use your head. Cara and Celeste HAVE NOT been found guilty of any crimes. Don’t thank them for crimes, don’t tell them they are heros, being charged does not equate guilt. Do not treat them like they are guilty of a crime they have not been sentenced for. Just support them throguh the fucked up road that is navigating the judiciary system.


Cara and Celeste, “the Northumberland 2”, were arrested after a mink raid at a fur farm. They were held on multiple charges, including felony eco-terrorism. On the 9th of November, their bail review changed as the judge accepted 10% bail (from 150k each to 15k each) and they are both out of jail after 3 weeks locked up. Despite the reduction of bail conditions, they are still facing multiple charges including felonies, which will ensure a lot of court dates ahead.

They are going to need a lot of support, even now when they are out of jail. The legal costs will start piling up very fast, and it is only through solidarity that we can ensure Cara and Celeste are supported and have the best chance at remaining free.

We have an art fundraiser in the pipeline, but for now, please head to Philly ABC’s donor box and donate a couple of coins to support them through the legal battle!

Find it here: unoffensiveanimal.is/nu2

We see a lot of people celebrating when anonymous reports are published. It is time now to be as loud as possible about support. Regardless of their innocence, showing up for anyone who is facing the law means we are telling everybody the movement has their back if they ever get into trouble. 

Show up now! Send C&C solidarity!


27th October, France.

Via: Attaque

ENGLISH (translation):

“On their return from a morning’s hunting, several members of the ACCA Le Rallye seurrois had the displeasure of finding nails hammered into their tires. For the association’s president, this was a deliberate act, aimed specifically at hunters.

It’s Sunday, October 27. Johan Tillet, secretary of the ACCA (association communale de chasse agréée) Le Rallye seurrois, a local hunting association, is making the short journey home by car after a morning’s hunting. But he discovers a flat tire caused by a dozen nails.

How did they get there? And especially so many? He says he didn’t realize immediately that his tires were riddled with nails until he got home. “At noon, another hunter called to tell me that he also had nails stuck in his four tires, and then others also contacted me shortly afterwards.”

Johan Tillet decided to retrace his steps to find the origin of the nails, and it was on a communal road leading to the route de Lanthes that more nails were found, as well as in a parking lot not far from Étang-Rouge. “There were several hundred nails across the road and in the parking lot. This represents a strip about 30 to 40 cm wide and 5 to 6 meters long”, he explains.”


“I think we were targeted,” continues Johan, “since this passageway leads to a hunting cabin.” He passed on a message encouraging those who had suffered this vandalism to lodge a complaint with the gendarmerie. At least seven vehicles belonging to members of the association were affected.

FRENCH (original):

“Au retour d’une matinée de chasse, plusieurs membres de l’ACCA Le Rallye seurrois ont eu le déplaisir de trouver des clous plantés dans leurs pneus. Pour le président de l’association, il s’agit d’un acte délibéré, visant spécifiquement les chasseurs.

Nous sommes dimanche 27 octobre. Johan Tillet, secrétaire de l’ACCA (association communale de chasse agréée) Le Rallye seurrois, une association de chasse locale, effectue un court trajet jusqu’à son domicile en voiture après une matinée de chasse. Mais il découvre un pneu crevé à cause d’une dizaine de clous.

Comment ont-ils pu arriver là ? Et surtout autant ? Il assure ne pas s’être rendu compte tout de suite que ses pneus étaient criblés de clous, seulement en rentrant chez lui. « À midi, un autre chasseur m’a appelé pour me dire qu’il avait aussi des clous plantés dans ses quatre pneus, puis d’autres m’ont aussi contacté peu de temps après. »

Johan Tillet décide de faire le chemin qu’il a emprunté pour en trouver l’origine, et c’est sur un chemin communal menant à la route de Lanthes que d’autres clous ont été retrouvés ainsi que sur un parking situé non loin de l’Étang-Rouge. « Il y avait plusieurs centaines de clous mis en travers du chemin et sur le parking. Cela représente une bande d’environ 30 à 40 cm de large et 5 à 6 mètres de long », explique-t-il.


« Je pense que nous étions visés », reprend Johan, « puisque ce passage emmène vers une cabane de chasse. » Il a fait passer un message pour encourager les personnes qui ont subi ce vandalisme à déposer une plainte en gendarmerie. Au moins sept véhicules des membres de l’association ont été touchés.”


1st November, Germany.

According to local press, the police is looking for witnesses as a hunter found their tower shot at, counting over 10 bullet holes.

The hunter says the occurrence has been very frightening and they cannot imagine who could’ve done it.

The hunting tower that was shot in Sehlem forest declined any comment.


31st October, North Italy.

Received anonymously via email:

ENGLISH (translation):

“Dolcetto o scherzetto? (Trick or Treat?)
Hunters and anyone who tortures and kills animals deserve only tricks.

On Halloween night, abetted by night and fog, we attacked and set fire to a location from which hunters shoot birds.
The fire devoured and purified this place of death.
The fight for Animal Liberation continues, no ifs or buts!
Animal Liberation Front”

ITALIAN (original):

“Dolcetto o scherzetto? (Trick or Treat?)
I cacciatori e chiunque tortura e uccide animali merita solo scherzetti.

Nella notte  di Halloween, complice la notte e la nebbia, abbiamo attaccato e dato fuoco a una postazione da cui i cacciatori sparano ai volatili.
Il fuoco ha divorato e purificato questo luogo di morte.
La lotta per la Liberazione Animale continua, senza se e senza ma!
Animal Liberation Front”


PHOTO UNRELATED. Credit: WeAnimals, Canada 2014.

We received the following information about a fox farm in Dundee, MN USA:

“Earlier this fall, on the lakeside grounds of what we thought would be Sieverding Fox Farm (36414 130th St, Dundee, MN), we found only ruins. Despite being well before pelting season, the area was in complete disuse. The two sheds were broken down and bare of any cages, the dusty breeding cards above the empty space the only reminder of what once took place there. The outdoor cages, once lined up in neat rows, were shoved tightly together and surrounded by chest-high grass.

To ensure we weren’t jumping to conclusions, we checked every other building. There were rusty boats and cars, but no evidence of an active fur farm. Though we’re glad to confirm this closure, we regret that generations of foxes were born to die here and never set free to run wild along the starlit lake.”


On October 30th Leonard was released from the hospital, back into prison. However, Leonard still needs continued medical care, his health is continuously getting worse. For example is he experiencing partial blindness. You can put pressure on politicians and prison staff to provide Leonard with the medical care that he needs. You can find contact information to Senate Judiciary Committee here: https://www.freeleonardpeltiernow.org/donate

Leonard is 80 years old, having been locked up since 1976, for a crime he didn’t commit. His was convicted by a racist jury of the involvement in the murder of two FBI agents inside Pine Ridge Reservation. Leonard does not have a release date. You can find more information about Leonard’s case here: https://unoffensiveanimal.is/prisoner-support/



via: Warzone Distro

As we all attempt to manage our lives with bodies fatigued by wage-slavery, attention spans manipulated by illuminated screens, and minds desperate for new consumer trends that provide temporary relief, the wilderness around us dies, suffocating beneath the paved roads and metallic infrastructure of a prison world we’re paid to expand. To the critical mind, it becomes clear that industrial society is active warfare, not only against all living beings contained within its social and institutional parameters, but also deep within its own builders.

It becomes clear that no government, president, or politician can ever grant us real freedom, and no officer of the law or court system can keep us safe. The colonial establishment known as “america”, like all other colonized landscapes, is designed to disempower, control, and dominate a mass population of people, starting at the individual level.

Despite the best efforts and intentions of political optimists, there is no reforming it. We are all left with only two choices: surrender ourselves to it or resist.

So some of us chose to resist, fighting back and refusing to surrender our lives to the workforce needed to maintain and expand this colonial empire. We understand that the battle is in the streets but also within us – against a mindset conditioned by a society that wishes to enslave us. We have no desire to wait. Our position is pure negation; a refusal to comply with the governing norms and expectations of society. Our vision: industrial collapse and total liberation by every means necessary.

Warzone Distro is a zine creating and publishing project that covers a wide range of topics including (but not limited to) veganism, straight edge/radical sobriety, anarcho-nihilism, individualist anarchy (no, not ancap bullshit), anti-colonization, anti-civ, queer nihilism, and anti-fascism. All zines on- and off-line are free. Mailed zine requests are welcomed. Donations are welcomed as well.


Venmo: @veganatomic

Cashapp: $HazelLilith


received anonymously via email:

30th October, Talensac France.

[image unrelated, report did not include images]

ENG (translation):

“The counter-attack is being organized in the Talensac forest. Under the cover of darkness, rabid little rabbits armed with saws attacked the death installations that are the hunting stands. Five of them fell to the rabbits’ determined assaults. It was a joy to see these symbols of oppression dismantled, a joy shared by the other animals in the forest.

Will these acts be reproduced as quickly as the rabbits?”

FRENCH (original):

“La contre-attaque s’organise dans la forêt de Talensac. A la faveur de la nuit, des petit.e.s lapin.e.s enragé.e.s armé.e.s de scies ont attaqué les installations de mort que sont les miradors de chasse. Cinq d’entre eux sont tombés sous les assauts déterminés des lapin.e.s. Quelle joie de voir ces symboles d’oppression être démantelés, joie partagée par les autres animaux de la forêt.

La reproduction de ces actes sera t-elle aussi rapide que celle des lapin.e.s ?”