At 80 years old, Leonard has finally arrived home following one of the last presidential orders Joe Biden would sign before leaving office. He was accused of the murder of two FBI agents in Pine Ridge, during an armed altercation that also saw a member of the American Indian Movement dead back in 1975. Since the beginning of his imprisonment he has maintained his innocence, and multiple groups have shown that the FBI had no evidence that Peltier was the shooter that made contact with those two FBI agents.

Joe Biden did not pardon Peltier. He signed an allowance to serve the rest of his life sentence in house arrest, so Peltier now is confined to his house and immediate community. Nevertheless, this means he has access to the people around him without the oppressive eyes of the prison system, and it also means he now can access medical care he so immediately needs. When being asked why he wouldn’t plead guilt and remorse in front of parole boards in an attempt to gain his freedom sooner, he says “Well, that’s just not what I’m fighting for, grandson,” ‘I’m sorry for what happened to those agents, but I’m not going to sit here and admit to something I didn’t do. And if I have to die in here for that, I’m going to.’”

Now, back in North Dakota, he says sometimes he still wakes up terrified that it was all a dream and he is still in a cell, but he feels positive about young natives still keeping up the fight. “It makes me feel so good, man, it does,” “I’m thinking, well, I didn’t give my life for nothing.”

Welcome back home, Leonard. We all keep fighting.


Read below an anonymously sent report back of the counter demonstration against Britain First national march and the writer’s thoughts on antifascism organising in the UK.


Britain First made no secret of their planned march and rally for St David’s day in Nuneaton. They got council approval to set up a large stage with expensive screen and sound equipment in the ironically named ‘justice centre’ car park. They hired security, Paul Golding begged everyone he could to attend and claimed 10k was spent on the event.

However, I’m sad to say that while there were many ‘Stand up to Racism’ aka ‘Socialist Workers Party’ placards, as to be expected, quite a few communist flags and a Palestinian flag, there wasn’t a single antifascist flag flown…

Trying to get antifascist groups, even the local ones, to attend a fascist event has been like pulling teeth. And while we share the same critiques of SUTR/SWP: they are transphobic, they are misogynistic, there has been a number of fucked up insistences involving them and they insist on not only cooperating with filth like absolute wet wipes but also their stewards will kettle the crowd before the police even start positioning themselves. But a SUTR presence is not an excuse to not oppose fascists. If anything, it makes the need for other groups attendance even greater.

You cannot leave a void that STUR fills and then complain they are occupying all the space.

Only a couple hundred pink-faced nationalists turned up to Nuneaton railway station, where the meet point was. Way too few to carry the thousand union jack and England flags that had been purchased for the event. The much bragged-about coaches from around the country turned out to be mostly empty minibuses. And the march that was due to start at 12 didn’t end up starting till almost 1pm. At that point, despite multiple pleas and warnings given to the crowd by the few antifascists present that they were positioned huddled to the side and would get kettled if they didn’t spread out, the stewards kept everyone in line and trapped. So as predicted, the counter protest was completely kettled by police and their vans while only a dozen antifascists went up against the line of police protecting Britain First as they marched down the street. The police were quick to use violence on the only actual resistance to the march. Vastly outnumbered by cops after awhile antifascists were pushed and dragged away by police who couldn’t hide their excitement at getting to use force. When about 10 antifascists had been pushed to the side to allow the BF march to go past, they ran down a side street in order to cut across and get back in front of the march. A gang of police took chase, pulled out their batons, and started threatening with breach of the peace and section 3. A few of them looked about ready to cum in their pants as they excitedly brandished their little metal rods. The kind of confidence you only see in the filth when they outnumber you and know it.

All this time the SUTR crowd remained in their self-imposed prison doing nothing by the train station, and it wasn’t until BF was safely at their destination and starting the rally that they moved on and did some drum banging from a safe distance.

If there had been an actual turnout of even just a few dozen more antifascists, we could have stopped that rally from taking place. We could have held their march at the train station till they were forced to go home. As has happened in the past. Instead, folks are too busy sitting in armchairs and complaining about how other groups do it badly to actually get to the streets and do it better. We need a presence, we need to recruit, and we need to teach crowds how to keep each other safe.

Just because we’ve got bigger and newer contenders to deal with, like Reform and Patriotic Alternative, that doesn’t mean that the pathetic BF aren’t capable of digging themselves out of the grave. And marches calling for “remigration”, stoking up racist and unfounded fears of a “demographic replacement” should always be opposed no matter how laughable we expect the turn out to be. If history and current events have taught us anything its how fast the political landscape can change and how vulnerable we make ourselves when we don’t organise and resist. And don’t mistake this failure of an event as a sign we don’t need to worry. The far right are organising and as we’ve seen with Reform they are gaining public support as well as opposition.

If you call yourself antifascist then you need to start asking yourself some questions. Where are you when the fascists are organising? Where are you when the fascists are marching? Where are you when they hold their rallies? Paul Golding claimed they have another event in the works, set to take place in Birmingham. So keep your eyes peeled and get your mates together.

Antifascist is not a label you give yourself because you say so. You’re antifascist when you oppose fascism. It requires action. “


At the end of February, we received the wonderful news that Sindre has been released. We congratulate Sindre on the release! We hope that he and his loved ones, as well as his best friend, a pit bull mix named Kenzo, now can spend more time together.

Sindre is an animal rights activist from Sweden. In October 2023, Sindre was sentenced to forensic psychiatric compulsory care, for an indefinite period. (Sindre was also sentenced to pay SEK 10,000 in damages) The verdict refers to prosecution for actions in 2021, against the former fur farmer Niklas Pettersson (the fur farm is now closed, due to years of action). Sindre denies the alleged crime! Sindre was detained immediately after the trial, and then locked up, without an end date. Now he is finally free!

If Sindre had not been sentenced to forensic psychiatric care, his prison sentence would have been four months. Instead, he was locked up in forensic psychiatric care, for almost a year and a half.



The month of February was a tad slow in terms of reports, but this might have just been because our platform took a couple of weeks off so we count receive those reports! We received a total of 9 reports of direct action during the month, five of them from Germany, where activists targeted a butcher shop, a slaughterhouse, hunting towers and rat traps. Spain too hit against hunting by sabotaging a hunting shop in Madrid. The UK turned their sights against vivisection, and Argentina reported the only liberation action for the month.

Reported actions by country: 

UK: 1




[editor’s note, directed at the anonymous senders: Thanks for the submission, keep them coming as often as you wish. Be gay and burn the deathmachine which surrounds you <3 ]

“Sündi is getting cut down, another woodland which capitalism must displace to try and satisfy its insatiable hunger for growth.

Since the 70s, the neighbouring Hambi was already getting logged, until this was halted in 2018. Without the occupation of the Hambacher Forest and the multiform resistance against the evictions, the whole of the Hambi would have been devoured by the mine. Sündi was once part of Hambi, but is now a remaining island of green surrounded by the industrial developments of the Rheinland. In part, this woodland is getting cut so that a yacht harbour can be built in its place, and the gravel which gets removed from the ground, used to construct a beach for tourists.

Contrary to what we expected there was no eviction per se. Instead RWE, who choose to handle the situation themselves – operating as a state within a state, showcasing the power corporations hold and the free reign they are given – went ahead and started clear cutting.

RWE has recruited a private army of security-workers to enable this onslaught, the leaders of which are almost all Nazis or fascist Grey Wolves. Committed to their work-obligations and driven by pure hate against those who think otherwise, these foolish lackeys of the mega-corporations have been driven to destroy their own landbase. This mess is a further indication of the resurgence of facsism in Germany. Let it be a wakeup call for all anti-fascists, that RWE is a harbinger of the nationalistic cancer!

These professional murderers have, with their usual brutality, already crushed most of the Sündi. We watched as tree harvesters and chainsaw teams decimated the majority of the forest in the span of three days. Ground structures were destroyed and at times access to the Sündenwald was completely cut off, with people trying to approach getting attacked and forcibly removed. Trees were being felled whilst forest-defenders were up in structures and traverses protecting what they could. Meanwhile wild animals attempted to flee what was once their home. Even a tree harvester of the company Kettwiger Baumdienst* was decorated with printed insults against the forest-defenders, for example “treekiller 2000” and an image of someone pissing on the Sündenwäldchen. (And this, by a company – who were at the forefront of the ecocide – who drive green trucks with “renewable enegry” written big on the side). Since then, heavy machinery has been used daily here (guarded, since they found out the hard way that this was the only way they could operate) in order to clear the now dead trees, turning what once as an active ecosystem into wood chips on the spot.

People didn’t give up the woodland without a fight and defended it the best they could. Trees were spiked, pumping stations and electricity boxes were sabotaged using a diversity of methods and security were greeted by flaming barricades. The occupation is still standing but the threat of eviction still remains! We are determined to keep what we still have, and fight RWE for every metre of soil they intend to reduce to oblivion. The threat of eviction still remains.

At the same time we feel the need to talk about certain things that have trouble us this far like the coexisted with politicians and NGOs, the use of mainstream media and the notion that the presence of the police might have protected us in this situation (which is especially troubling, as it erases the countless people who have experienced and continue to experience police violence, both within forest occupations and outside of them). All of the above institutions serve as tools of control and coercion that render our strugles toothless, and at worst endanger us and those around us. Alas we understand the need to remain in solidarity with struggles such as this, even if we find ourselves at odds with some of the choices made.

We can’t afford to make any more friendly requests; only open conflict against ecocide and fascism has a chance of success. If we want to survive, if we want nature to live again, then we need to attack with all means the leviathan of “progress” and finally destroy it. Attempting to plunder what natural resources remain, capitalistic progress is leading us to fascism and perpetual war. We call on you, wherever you are, to be in solidarity with the fight against the death grip of RWE. This fight is about so much more than a few trees or a woodland; we fight against the biggest extinction event, since the end of the dinosaurs.

Coordinate yourselves and attack their machines, their underlings and infrastructure. Be gay and burn the deathmachine which surrounds you, unleashing your animalistic vitality. In these cold times, let’s warm ourselves on the fires of our resistance. Defend the forests and the fields, the moors and the marshes, the shores and the mountains. These are the last remaining bastions of hope for life. The assholes complicit in killing the sundi have names and addresses…

P. Meurer – Kaulhausen 57, 41812 Erkenz
Kettwiger Baumdienst – August-Thyssen-Straße 53, 45219 Essen
Forstbetried Corres- Heesweg 16, 41849 Wassenberg
Forst Schauff – Franz-Josef Schauf Widdiger Straße 6, 50389 Wesseling
Beyer Mietservice – Gewerbepark Rother Straße 1, 57539 Roth – Heckenhof

p.s we hate you more than you hate us

some creatures from the Hambacher forest”


17th February, Southern Germany.

received anonymously via email:

“We returned! On February 17th, we took a stand against animal hunting again and destroyed 3 more hunting towers in Southern Germany.

Making their best effort to frame the cruel and unnecessary killing of innocent individuals as an important part of nature conservancy, the hunting scene practises its sick and bloodthirsty hobby unseen, unregulated and uncontrolled because there‘s nobody watching them doing what they‘re doing while they do it.

It is scientifically proven that animal populations regulate themselves based on available space and food supply.

Under false claims of protection, animal hunters will feed them and hunt down natural predators, directly and artificially causing animal multiplication which they say they‘re fighting against. They tear social family structures apart which is not only deeply unethical but contributes to animal multiplication as well since the dead family’s children will reproduce more and sooner. They leave shot animals helpless, suffering and bleeding to death if they are unable to find them again and cause unimaginable pain, suffering and trauma to innocent animals.

Nature does not need humans to function properly and we deeply despise the arrogance of those who say otherwise.

With our hunting tower destroying game, we want to end hunter’s god-complex-like torture phantasies and bring them down to earth again.

Since we upgraded our gear, we will definitely return again.”


7th February, Espoo Finland.

[editor’s note: Submitted to UA via email]

“According to local press, sometime between the seventh and ninth of February, several people sawed down five hunting towers in Espoo, Finland. Hunter Antti Saarenmaa says that the attack took place at night, and that it must have been carried out by several people, as the hunting towers are particularly large and heavy.

In addition to having destroyed the hunting towers, the saboteurs also smashed a hunting trap, which was intended to catch marten. The Finnish hunters are of course very sad and angry about the sabotage. However, the martens are surely happy.

Although the hunters found out about the sabotage through their surveillance cameras, they were unable to see or capture the people who carried out the acts. Anti, the hunter, tells the newspaper that, “There is a signature [three letters] on one of the towers that I don’t want to reveal. But it leads us to suspect who it could be…”.

About a year and a half ago, several hunting towers in the northern part of Espoo were destroyed in a similar way. The police did not manage to figure out who did that sabotage either, and the police investigation was dropped. However, posts about the sabotage appeared shortly afterwards on an anarchist internet forum.

The hunters announce that they will build new towers. Surely this will be very expensive for the hunters. And several non human animals life’s will likely be spared due to the destroyed towers. It would surely be a shame if someone were to saw down more towers in the future.”


31st January, Argentina.

Via: @anarcoveganismo.arg

ENGLISH (translation):

“After investigating a farm where humans breed animals for food and to sell to the public we found an opportunity to try and free someone from that prison.

The farms where they breed animals, even if the look nice on the outside, are nothing more than breeding mills and slavery houses where depending on the species they might live just a little longer.

Perhaps for many people this action isn’t big enough, and certainly we did not end speciesism with it, but the liberated animals are now safe with a vegan human and will receive the attention and food they deserve. As opposed to all their parents and siblings, they won’t be sold or shown like trinkets or murdered for food.

Let’s do everything we can to give the animals what they deserve, animal liberation depends on us, today!”

SPANISH (original):

“Luego de hacer una investigación en una granja donde reproducen animales para consumo y comercialización. 
Se encontró la oportunidad de intentar sacar a alguien de esa prisión.

Las granjas donde crían animales, por más que por fuera se las vea “lindas” no son más que criaderos y centros de esclavitud donde dependiendo la especie se prolonga un poco más la vida.

Quizás para muchos solo sean pocas vidas,y no se acabó con el especismo, pero estos animales se encuentran a resguardo de una persona vegana y recibirán la atención y alimentación que merecen.

A diferencia de sus padres y hermanos no serán vendidos,o expuestos como cosas, o asesinados para consumo. 

Hagamos lo posible para lograr lo que los animales merecen, la liberación animal depende de nosotros hoy!”


Rebels in Prison Support is a group supporting activists locked up in prison in the UK.

They mostly support Extinction Rebellion, Insulate Britain, Just Stop Oil, Palestine Action and Animal Rebellion activists that have been handed sentences for their civil disobedience or direct actions.

Whilst we fundamentally disagree on making any difference between peaceful and violent action prisoners and would normally not prioritise publishing about folks facing the courts for accountable actions, the staggering 40+ current prisoners can do with support and love.

Below is the link to RIPS list of current prisoners, most of them have an email address you can write a letter to, which we assume will then be handled by a middle person so that their actual address is not made public. If you have an hour today, send some letters to political prisoners. Receiving love whilst inside can make your day infinitely better and absolutely nobody should have to face the full force of the empire on their own.




31st December, Stuttgart Germany.

Received anonymously via email:

“We destroyed 20 poisoned Rat Traps in Stuttgart City Center while stupid people let there money explode in the air, at 12 o’clock.

Eat the animal abusers and the rich!”

[editor’s note: photo unrelated, rat trap sabotage in 2022]