We received the following information about a fox farm in Dundee, MN USA:
“Earlier this fall, on the lakeside grounds of what we thought would be Sieverding Fox Farm (36414 130th St, Dundee, MN), we found only ruins. Despite being well before pelting season, the area was in complete disuse. The two sheds were broken down and bare of any cages, the dusty breeding cards above the empty space the only reminder of what once took place there. The outdoor cages, once lined up in neat rows, were shoved tightly together and surrounded by chest-high grass.
To ensure we weren’t jumping to conclusions, we checked every other building. There were rusty boats and cars, but no evidence of an active fur farm. Though we’re glad to confirm this closure, we regret that generations of foxes were born to die here and never set free to run wild along the starlit lake.”
Hey folks! Many people have been asking for Wildfire volume 3. We have found a very small bunch of them, so we’ve listed them on the website. When they are gone, they are gone, we were lucky to find this bunch hidden in a shelf!
We have also brought stickers back in stock. Please note that the sticker image is not necessarily indicative of the stickers you’ll get. It depends on stock and what we have around, but you’ll get a mixed pack of 25 stickers of whatever designs we have available!
We have also found a few old t-shirts and hoodies we are thinking of putting up soon, they will be very limited (and odd sizes) because we are no longer printing the old designs. Before anyone asks, the Defend Direct Action in Medium is NOT available (but many people ask for it, so if we hear a lot of interest we could look at doing a run for the DDA design? Let us know in the comments!)
We are working with talented artists to release a limited drop fundraising t-shirt and prints to raise some coins for the mink liberation arrestees. This will have to be pre-order only, but last time when we did the Susaron print it took a long time to reach the minimum. We want to ask you all if the pre-order, fundraising style drop of merch is something that you like and can get behind, because if we want to ensure we print tees before the Christmas holiday rush (specially to send abroad) the preorder time will be short (probably two weeks?) so we will be needing your support either by grabbing one or by sharing it as much as possible!
Let us know your thoughts, we really value what you folks think about it. We would also like to hear about what kind of garments you like most. Do you like the designs on the front or the back? Is our usual black garment getting boring now and we should be looking at other colours? Should we do tees or hoodies, or both? Are zip hoodies better or would you give them a miss? Just talk to us so we know what to roll out!
Just a reminder that UA is not a shop, and we don’t “sell stuff”. We have a few bits and bobs we print cos they are cool as a method to reward donations by our supporters. For that reason, you can chose what you pay on our website, and can make the decision to donate much more than the suggested price!
If you want to check the few products we have up at the minute, this is the address: unoffensiveanimal.is/shop
All profits are used to support arrestees and prisoners and to upkeep the costs of the website and servers and other associated tech expenses. We do not make a wage from this and have never done in the almost decade long that the collective has existed.
Over the past month we received a total of 13 reports from around the world. The UK came on top with 5 direct action reports, but France, Germany and Italy made the list too, and we added Serbia as a new country we’ve heard of direct action for animal liberation! The USA had a report too, where a mink farm was raided.
Most of the actions reported were related to hunting, although 4 of them were related to animal agriculture liberation reports.
On the prisoner support front we had a busy month too. Zerofoursixeight is selling stickers to raise funds for animal liberation codefendants. We also wrote about Osman, who has been locked up in turkey for decades. We heard news about the sentencing of the Susaron prisoners and head the first public information about the two people accused of liberating mink in the USA.
As always, if you appreciate UA as a platform for prisoner support and direct action, you can support us on patreon or donate to us on PayPal. We genuinely appreciate every single donation and do not get paid for the job, we use every penny for arrest and prisoner support and to upkeep costs of servers and website.
Since we published about Wildfire 4 being in stock, they have been flying off the shelves. Someone notified us not long ago that the website listed it as Out of Stock, so we did a quick count and realised we had about 20 more magazines.
They are now listed in the website, so if you want one grab it whilst it lasts. We are unable to re-stock wildfire as the mag producers don’t print more than once, so it is your chance to grab it before we run out!
We are sure other stockists still have copies, do check @wildfire.zine on instagram to see a few of the folks who are selling the mags around the world, it might really save you money on postage!
For anyone that wants to order it from us, here is the link:
“60+ beautifully designed pages on aninal liberation, anarchism, direct action and prisoner support on mat paper, with amazing articles ranging from how to asses corvids before releasing from traps, anarchism in the animal liberation movement and Praxis’ ‘Blackmask’ comic to top it off.
We are selling them for £4 minimum (but you can choose your own price if you want to donate more!) plus postage and we ship worldwide, so go get one from our site and share with all your comrades!”
“This Sunday, 9/8, like every year, there was a procession to the General Cemetery to commemorate the anniversary of the 1973 Coup D’etat. In this context, on the intersection of Recoleta Avenue and Santos Dumont, a subject appeared from a police picket line and began to attack masked comrades with a knife. He wounded three and unfortunately one of them died a few hours later.
Alonso Verdejo Bravo, 26 year old anti-authoritarian and vegan comrade, was assassinated by a vile person who after the aggression was attacked by comrades who witnessed the act. The killer was identified as Patrick Salerick Villafaña Juica, 32 years old. According to witnesses of the situation, the miserable defender of the existent had shouted that he was a “countermarch” and later stabbed the comrades. After the aggressions the subject was arrested and today 9/9 remains in pretrial detention.
The comrade died masked up and making legitimate use of street violence in the context of our black and combative memory, far from the victimisms and consensus of power. May historical memory bury those who condemn taking the offensive!
Long live comrade Alonso Verdejo!“
the scumbag who murdered the comrade after being beaten by comrades
During the month of September, Argentina, Chile, Belgium, Denmark, Germany and the UK reported direct actions against animal exploitation. From the bullfighting ring arson in Chile to the liberation of chickens in Argentina, folks around the globe have been busy furthering the fight. A total of seven reports were received, mostly against hunting but also against the flesh industry, entertainment industry and against pet abuse.
On the prisoner support side we reported on Leonard, who has been in isolation, and we also translated the comuniquee that Presos Caso Susaron published earlier this summer.
MBR suppliers campaign was also featured in The Frontlines, and they have been throwing heavy blows against MBR, so make sure you check them out!
As always, if you can afford supporting your grassroots, animal liberationist, anarchist media, please consider donating to us.
In September ’24, anonymous activists visited over 20 fur farms in Idaho and Utah to compile footage and data on the dying fur trade, and to determine the operational status of the fur farms in both states.
What we uncovered is further evidence of the power of direct action and pressure campaigns. Farms that once held thousands of prisoners have been reclaimed by nature. We found abandoned properties, dilapidated sheds, and stacks of cages where generations of mink lived and died in.
All 24 sheds at the Ball Brothers Farm in Malad City, ID are removed. This massive farm is no longer.
The Moyle family is an Idaho fur dynasty. In 2013, the ALF emptied their farm in Burley, ID and freed the entire breeding stock. Today, Moyle’s farms are being disassembled.
Larry Carson owned 3 fur farms in Utah. 2 of those farms are now abandoned, with all sheds free of wildlife.
As pelt prices remain under $30, operational farms have been forced to scale back. Once massive farms now hold a fraction of the animals they once did.
But many prisoners still languish, awaiting death in the next 90 days
There is nothing more beautiful than the sight of an abandoned prison. And there is nothing more heinous than seeing living beings caged in filth, abused as commodities without reverence. We saw hundreds of foxes pacing in cages on the Hobbs Fur Farm in Franklin, ID. They gaze out at the natural world, yet can’t participate in it. Unless their cages are opened.
We watched as mink clawed at cages and attempted to escape from the hell imposed on them by the Beckstead family at Sunny B Farms in Preston, ID.
The families still involved in this industry – the Hobbs’, Beckstead’s, and Zimbal’s, are in it for keeps. They’ll squeeze every last penny from the torture and subjugation of native wildlife. Unless we stop them.
Over 20,000 mink and foxes have been liberated in Utah and Idaho since the beginning of the ALF campaign against this industry. The resurgence of the last 2 years – with over 25,000 mink and foxes liberated – promises more.
Visit a fur farm – look the animals in the eyes. You’ll know what to do. The mink and foxes suffering in cages and crying out for freedom have less than 60 days to live. Be their guardian angel.
Wildfire volume 4 has landed! We are so excited to be stocking it on our website and cannot recommend it more!
60+ beautifully designed pages on aninal liberation, anarchism, direct action and prisoner support on mat paper, with amazing articles ranging from how to asses corvids before releasing from traps, anarchism in the animal liberation movement and Praxis’ ‘Blackmask’ comic to top it off.
We are selling them for £4 plus postage and we ship worldwide, so go get one from our site and share with all your comrades!
@wildfire.zine has distributed zines across the globe so check with them to see if you can support a local group by purchasing one nearby, and tell your local groups to stock Wildfire too!
We hope you enjoy the read, for the animals always!
WHAT: Night vigil in front of a slaughterhouse WHERE: Multiple countries around the globe, and near you if you organise one too! WHEN: 25th to 26th of September (night).
Our comrades at 269 liberation animale have sent us a call to action to share. It is their 4th international event in front of a slaughterhouse. A night for people to transform their street activism into activism in front of a place of exploitation, giving them a taste of what a night out looks like within the confines of a vigil (and thus, legal and safe!)
If you want to organise (or want to join one of the multiple vigils across the globe), get in touch with them over social media.
Read the call to action below:
When ? During the night of Wednesday the 25th to Thursday the 26th of September.
Where ? It’s an international event taking place in several countries simultaneously : the list of the targeted slaughterhouses is to be found in our previous publication.
In the night of the 25th to the 26th of September, 269 Liberation Animale will organise it’s 4th edition of the « Nights out in front of slaughterhouses ».
An international event taking place in several countries simultaneously. This event was first initiated [email protected]_animale to encourage antispeciesist activists to go from street activism to targeting places exploiting animals.
To build the fight WITH THEM and not anymore « in their name ». A first step towards a confrontational activism.
Exploited animals arrive in the middle of the nigt at the slaughterhouse and get killed at dusk, with no one to care about them. But we’ll be there. Not to cry, not to take photos of the victims, but to trigger a revolutionary spark.
May this night call for direct actions by people who will for the first time witness the materiality of the speciesist oppression.
In order for this event to become a menace for the animal exploitation system, we call for all motivated comrades, who share our vision, to contact us if willing to organise a night, in front of a slaughterhouse in their area.
Those gatherings are legal and hold no risks of legal consequences.
Join one of the many nights being organised, and together, let’s become slaughterhouse’s worst nightmare, on the night of this coming 26/9”
In the month of august, a total of seventeen animal liberation direct action reports were received by Unoffensive Animal, making it the second busiest month of this year, just behind February (21 reports).
The UK seemed to get busy in August with one sabotage at a turkey farm and four liberations, which totalled 166 animals liberated (egg laying hens, broiler chicks and turkeys) and which included the complete emptying and destroying of a backyard egg farm with cages outlawed over a decade ago.
Denmark was a close second with three reported actions, the three being what has come to be the Danish signature action, spray painting speciesist shops in the capital.
Notably, Greece reported an arson that rendered a whole egg factory to ashes, with the anonymous reporters saying “If you rebuild it, we’ll burn it again.”
On the prisoner support front we reported about Vegan Peredachki, a Russian vegan prisoner support organisation, we reminded folks to please write to Marius and we accounted how much money we managed to raise for press caso Susaron: a total of 600 GBP was sent to their support team!
As always, thank you for supporting unoffensive. If you can afford it and you like the work we do, please consider donating as a one off or even joining our patreon.