Read below an anonymously sent report back of the counter demonstration against Britain First national march and the writer’s thoughts on antifascism organising in the UK.
Britain First made no secret of their planned march and rally for St David’s day in Nuneaton. They got council approval to set up a large stage with expensive screen and sound equipment in the ironically named ‘justice centre’ car park. They hired security, Paul Golding begged everyone he could to attend and claimed 10k was spent on the event.
However, I’m sad to say that while there were many ‘Stand up to Racism’ aka ‘Socialist Workers Party’ placards, as to be expected, quite a few communist flags and a Palestinian flag, there wasn’t a single antifascist flag flown…
Trying to get antifascist groups, even the local ones, to attend a fascist event has been like pulling teeth. And while we share the same critiques of SUTR/SWP: they are transphobic, they are misogynistic, there has been a number of fucked up insistences involving them and they insist on not only cooperating with filth like absolute wet wipes but also their stewards will kettle the crowd before the police even start positioning themselves. But a SUTR presence is not an excuse to not oppose fascists. If anything, it makes the need for other groups attendance even greater.
You cannot leave a void that STUR fills and then complain they are occupying all the space.
Only a couple hundred pink-faced nationalists turned up to Nuneaton railway station, where the meet point was. Way too few to carry the thousand union jack and England flags that had been purchased for the event. The much bragged-about coaches from around the country turned out to be mostly empty minibuses. And the march that was due to start at 12 didn’t end up starting till almost 1pm. At that point, despite multiple pleas and warnings given to the crowd by the few antifascists present that they were positioned huddled to the side and would get kettled if they didn’t spread out, the stewards kept everyone in line and trapped. So as predicted, the counter protest was completely kettled by police and their vans while only a dozen antifascists went up against the line of police protecting Britain First as they marched down the street. The police were quick to use violence on the only actual resistance to the march. Vastly outnumbered by cops after awhile antifascists were pushed and dragged away by police who couldn’t hide their excitement at getting to use force. When about 10 antifascists had been pushed to the side to allow the BF march to go past, they ran down a side street in order to cut across and get back in front of the march. A gang of police took chase, pulled out their batons, and started threatening with breach of the peace and section 3. A few of them looked about ready to cum in their pants as they excitedly brandished their little metal rods. The kind of confidence you only see in the filth when they outnumber you and know it.
All this time the SUTR crowd remained in their self-imposed prison doing nothing by the train station, and it wasn’t until BF was safely at their destination and starting the rally that they moved on and did some drum banging from a safe distance.
If there had been an actual turnout of even just a few dozen more antifascists, we could have stopped that rally from taking place. We could have held their march at the train station till they were forced to go home. As has happened in the past. Instead, folks are too busy sitting in armchairs and complaining about how other groups do it badly to actually get to the streets and do it better. We need a presence, we need to recruit, and we need to teach crowds how to keep each other safe.
Just because we’ve got bigger and newer contenders to deal with, like Reform and Patriotic Alternative, that doesn’t mean that the pathetic BF aren’t capable of digging themselves out of the grave. And marches calling for “remigration”, stoking up racist and unfounded fears of a “demographic replacement” should always be opposed no matter how laughable we expect the turn out to be. If history and current events have taught us anything its how fast the political landscape can change and how vulnerable we make ourselves when we don’t organise and resist. And don’t mistake this failure of an event as a sign we don’t need to worry. The far right are organising and as we’ve seen with Reform they are gaining public support as well as opposition.
If you call yourself antifascist then you need to start asking yourself some questions. Where are you when the fascists are organising? Where are you when the fascists are marching? Where are you when they hold their rallies? Paul Golding claimed they have another event in the works, set to take place in Birmingham. So keep your eyes peeled and get your mates together.
Antifascist is not a label you give yourself because you say so. You’re antifascist when you oppose fascism. It requires action. “