Back in 2016, at the Brenner Pass in Austria, a demonstration against the plans to build a wall at the border between Austria and Italy was met with police violence and repression, using tear gas and battons.

Whilst the racist and discriminatory border wall plans were ultimately scrapped, sixty people were hunted down for months and arrested as a result of that protest. They were charged with a mix of looting, devastation, aggravated resistance and damage charges.

Those sixty people were sentenced to a total of 166 years in prison in between all of them. Dalston Solidarity cafe’s comrade was sentenced to 10 of those years.

Back in February of this year, under appeal, the sentence was reduced to 129 years total, 4 years for the comrade.

Next month the legal team is launching the final appeal, hoping to reduce the imprisonment tariff. Dalston Solidarity Cafe is organising a fundraiser to help with the appeal costs and are hoping to raise £2500. They have already raised 500, and they have a fundraising gig on the 14th October (find more details on their socials) but if folks can donate to the online fundraiser that would be absolutely fantastic.

Please head to and drop some coins and maybe check out Dalston Solidarity Cafe on



Leonard Peltier is an activist for Native American rights, almost eighty years old (78 years), who has spent more than four and a half decades in prison (46 years), in the so called USA. Some of his incarceration Leonard has been forced to spend in solitary confinement, Over the years, Leonard’s support crew has worked tirelessly for his release. According to them, there is now hope that Leonard can be released from prison in the future. 

In 1977, Leonard was convicted in highly questionable ways for a crime he did not commit, the murder of two FBI agents. Since then, Leonard has been held captive by the state, with neither the possibility of reparation for the wrongs that occurred during his trial, nor the possibility of parole.

Remember! The state is never on the same side as those who are fighting for liberation, be that human or animal liberation. How Leonard has been treated is a disgusting example of the state’s oppression of minorities, repression and revenge against activists. 

There are several ways to help Leonard, so that he hopefully can spend the last years of his life outside the prison walls, and getting the help that he needs (Leonard is unfortunately not in good health). For example, drawing attention to Leonard’s case, writing him a letter, or contributing financially to the campaign for Leonard’s release. 


Read more about Leonard’s case, how to donate, write letters:


Organisations and activists around the world regularly organize to support folks in prison. We’ve probably all seen lists with names of prisoners, the contact information of jailed anarchists and animal liberation activists. There are also many suggestions how to show solidarity with prisoners, for example by writing letters, donating books, or providing financial support. Supporting comrades in prison is a cornerstone of a radical movement. We hate the state, and we want to abolish all prisons, physical as well as mental. But as long as the struggle for a better life means that we risk prison, and that some of us will be imprisoned, we must always take care of our comrades in prison. The struggle continues. 

But some prisoners do not want their trial, sentence, or prison time to be noticed. There can be various reasons why an inmate does not want to be seen in the media. For example, you may be tired of being exposed in public. Many have a long period of repression, detention hearings, trials, appeals, possibly getting hanged out in the media by fascists and animal oppressors, behind them. Others may be worried that further exposure in the media will make it harder to return to everyday life, once released. We should take notice, respect and support the wishes of these prisoners. Of course should we not public expose prisoners who do not want that kind of attention.

The fact that some comrades for various reasons do not want attention during their time in prison does not always mean that they do not need help. These prisoners also need solidarity and support. Which they also often get, from friends, families and close peers. The responsibility for taking care is then placed more on individuals, than on organizations for prisoner support to rally help. For this reason, it is important that we who have a friend, comrade or family member in prison, take the time to support, for example by writing letters, donating books or giving a penny, even though the friend’s name is not on prisoner lists, or when no photos on the family member circulates online. And sometimes it also is the person who supports a prisoner who needs our solidarity, in order to be able to help their friend throughout his/hers time in prison. There are as many ways to help as there are comrades in prison. Together we take care of each other!



The four comrades accused of the 2022 arson attack against the Susaron Meat Company in Chile are still in prison awaiting trial.

It was in November 2022 that four comrades were arrested by the police for an arson attack, which had taken place in September of the same year, against a slaughterhouse in Chile.

The comrades have been in custody since then, for almost a year. Reports indicate that they are in good spirits in prison. But they could always need more support. If you want to write to them, you can send an email to: [email protected]. To provide financial support, send money to:

Solidarity with comrades in prison. Direct action for the animals murdered every day in the death factories. The fight continues…


Paul Allman, a Hunt Saboteur from the group Stockport Monitors has been sentenced to 20 weeks of prison.

He was sentenced last week, wrongly accused and convicted of assaulting 2 hunt supporters at the Wynnstay Hunt while in Cheshire, UK.

Whilst Paul is appealing this decision and there is hope he could get out, we should all send love and solidarity to him in the form of letters. We do not know what sort of topics Paul likes, but we are sure he wouldn’t mind hearing little stories about wildlife or about your latest escapade to the woods with a doggo!

Send him a few lines and show him that even though he is locked up, he really is not alone as he can count with the whole animal liberation movement to send him love.

The address to write to him is:

Paul Allman A9788DC
HMP Altcourse
Brookfield Drive
L9 7LH

Please as always do not write about illegal activities. Leters are monitored and you do not want either Paul not yourself getting into trouble!



Two members of Staffordshire Hunt Saboteurs were found guilty of aggravated trespass last week. In an absolutely rigged trial the judge heard that the two sabs had acted violent towards the hunters and had trespassed to stop a licit activity.

It did not matter that the shooting of pheasants off-season was NOT a licit activity, and the police conviniently lost the bodycam footage of the incident, ensuring they could corroborate that the hunt sabs had never raised the issue themselves.

The case was in fact so incredibly rigged that not only it did not qualify as aggravated tresspass due to lack of licit activity, it also didn’t qualify because hunters carried on shooting over the hunt sabs’ heads, obviously showing that their presence had not stopped them from any (licit or not) activity.

Regardless of all the evidence, the judge found the two sabs guilty and sentenced them to two years conditional discharge, two years restraining order and £3,500 fine and costs.

Needless to say that the justice system does not serve justice, it just serves those who make profits. We cannot help with the restraining orders or the conditional discharges, but we can help with the outrageous fine.

Please, donate to the link below and share far and wide, tell your friends and support your comrades! Direct action is a key tactic to fight against the abuse of wildlife, and when one of us is attacked for it, we should all hit back!



International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners 23 – 30 August 2023

It’s time again to remember and honour those who can’t be with us. Friends, fellow anarchist, animal liberationists and anti fascists. All those who are fighting governments, animal abusers, fascists, for a better life, and being held captive by the state.

During the coming week there are several ways to show solidarity with prisoners. Write letters, drop a banner, do graffiti, write a zine, record a podcast, or throw a loud party outside your local prison. Let our friends behind bars know that we have not forgotten them. Let the world know that we will never give up fighting against the bastards who put them behind bars, those who are destroying the world.

You can find more and relevant information about the solidarity week, list of prisoners, at the web site:



Epona Rose is a woman of trans experience who was attacked on the street in Kinlani/ Flagstaff, Arizone by a group of men while two or more watched. The men were drunk and sexually harrassing her, the attack escalated into threats of rape and then physical violence when they realized she was transgender.

Epona defended herself bravely against this attack and did not call the police. She was targeted when cops arrived and they arrested her.

She is currently being held on the men’s side of the Coconino County Jail in segregation with one hour a day out of her cell, where she has struggled to gain access to her prescribed medications.

Current bond is set for $500,000 but the support team is fiercely working to overturn such an excessive amount and the outrageous charges.

The longer Epona is in jail, the much more at risk she is exposed to as a trans woman& abolitionist.

We cannot let Epona be made an example out of demanding the basic rights of genderqueer, third gender, Two Spirit, and/or trans people to exist!

“In the year of a state of emergency, I’m still alive… I defended myself against three men. They classified me as male in here. I don’t feel safe around other men”- Epona

For her commissary, phone and potential bond, please send donations to her family’s accounts specifying the donations are for Epona.
Paypal: @brokebackwolfpack
Venmo: @brokebackwolfpack
Cashapp: $brokebackwolfpack


In 2021, Jessica Reznicek was sentenced to eight years in prison. August 11, 2023, she has served two of those years. Jessica is incarcerated at FCI Waseca.

Jessica was sentenced to prison for taking action to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline in 2016, including direct action by dismantling construction equipment and pipeline valves. Due to the court classifying Jessica as a domestic terrorist, her prison sentence was significantly extended.

Jessica is 40 years old. On their website, her support crew describes Jessica as follows: “Jessica has a deep love for nature, camping, swimming, hiking, theology, music, gardening, laughter and eco-sustainability, as well as a commitment to self-discovery through deep relationships cultivated in intentional faith-based community living.”

Right now there is a campaign going on with the aim of Jessica not being classified as a domestic terrorist, which would mean that her time in prison would be greatly shortened (by roughly halving the prison sentence).

There are several ways to support Jessica, like writing her letters.

More information about Jessica, how to support and show solidarity, as well signing the campaign, can be found on the website:

(Jessica’s support crew can also be found on Facebook and Twitter, where information about Jessica’s case is continuously updated)



People living in cages can easily get depressed, who would have thought? Prisoners are forced to live away from their social support, family/friends might not visit often, they might not get along well with cellmates. Humans are social animals, we need connection to survive. After being forced through the justice system, prisoners deserve better. One of the things we can do to help is write to them, here are the basics on how to do that!

Before you get to writing here’s some things to know:

Be aware that some prisons restrict the number of letters a prisoner can write/receive, so you won’t always get a reply. Prisoners might also not have access to stamps or envelopes (you can try sending stamps with your letter).

Letters can be read by guards before being given to the prisoner, so don’t write anything you wouldn’t want them to see. Don’t draw any imagery that could be considered “gang related” (the anarchy symbol is included in this unfortunately).

Make sure you include a return address, some prisons won’t accept letters without them (it doesn’t have to be your address). Use clean plain paper and new envelopes. Don’t glue any pictures to your letter.

When writing for the first time, try and keep it short to avoid overwhelming them. Tell them facts about yourself, who you are, what you do, etc. Let them know about your political views if you want and let them know you support their actions. Lighten things up with stories, don’t be afraid to talk about fun things you’ve done or your everyday life, prison life is boring and hearing about the outside world livens it up.

Looking for prisoners to write? The Unoffensive Animal website has a list under “Prisoner Support”. We also offer the ability to write a letter online that can be sent by us with a donation to cover the costs.

Get out there and make a new friend!

*This PDF is a good resource for extra info, and it’s also where I picked up most of these tips:
