received anonymously via email:

“During the night of the 24th of August in France, 13 rabbits were helped free from their cages and released.

We are aware that this kind of actions is controversial. We’d like to point out that these people are living in absolutely dreadful conditions. They never saw and will never see the daylight. They’re crowded in tiny cages, right upon their feces. Many amongst them (one person out of five) won’t survive those conditions of detention, even before the day they’re sent for slaughter.

Living in nature is risky, but leaving them inside is signing their own death warrant. Outside, each of them gets a chance to survive. Some people worry about predation but it’s an inherent risk to the wild. Foxes, their main predators, are not as numerous as them, only some of them will be eaten no matter the color of their fur. Actually the worst thing that could happen to them is to encounter a humane hunter.

We know that sanctuaries exist. Unfortunately, the total room of these places compared to the number of the other animals killed everyday is totally derisory. All the more almost every female in these farms is pregnant and can have up to 12 babies, which would drastically reduce the number of precious safe places in the sanctuaries. What shall we do concerning those who can’t have a home, leave them behind ?

In this speciesist world where there aren’t any perfect solution, we decided to give them a chance in the wild. This decision is even more pertinent considering the fact that we saw many other white rabbits running free in the fields.
We chose a place far away from the busy roads, a small wood around a field where they can be safe. It appeared to us that there weren’t many foxes there. We stayed with the rabbits for an hour and observed that they spontaneously ate and moved to discover their new environment. They were jumping for joy, relieved after they experienced hell.

Finally, we are not accountable to anyone except the other animals.

We also have a thought for every activist suffering from the state and police repression.

Until every cage is empty.”


19th August, Gloucester UK.

received anonymously:

“During the night of 19th August we visited a partridge shoot of the outskirts of Gloucester and liberated what we believe to be around 5,000 partridges, destined to be shot imminently. After weeks of surveillance of the rearing sheds, we waited until two weeks before the start of the killing season to release them. This was both to ensure that the birds were old enough to survive and to cause maximum economic damage. Our aim is to close this shoot down for good.

Due to the proximity of the farm buildings and the gamekeeper’s house, we built a barricade on the track so if the keeper came out in his vehicle we’d have time to escape should the noise of the fleeing birds wake anyone. We then opened each pen in turn by cutting the zip ties that held the fence panels together and the plastic netted roof before herding the thousands of captives into the surrounding maize and wheat fields.

We will dismantle this industry pen by pen, shoot by shoot.

Until all birds fly free.
Animal Liberation Front


28th August – Czech republic, Prague

Butcher shop on the main road was attacked by sprays and stones.

The advertisement was sprayed by “stop killing innocent”, police started chasing us, so we couldn’t finish all.

Photos taken after owner tried wash our graffiti.”


24th August, UK

received anonymously via email.

“The UK keeps a dirty little secret. Although fur farming was banned almost two decades ago, trading fur considered as a “byproduct” is still alive and well throughout the country.

On the 24th of August we decided to expose one of the main companies still producing rabbit fur within the UK. T&S Rabbits breeds thousands of animals every month in different sites in Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Derbyshire and Lincolnshire. They breed from chinchilla to New Zealand whites and many other breeds for their meat and fur.

They disguise the enterprise as free range and healthy, but the reality is very different. Bunnies stuck in the breeding hutches share about 1sqm between four.

We decided to target those specific breeding hutches and took four rabbits with us. Sadly, because the breeding corner was less than a hundred meters away from the farmer’s bedroom, we had to leave many more rabbits behind. The rabbits we took out of there were scared and not easy to grab. Cornering them and snatching them without hesitation but being mindful to support their backs. Rabbits can easily be shocked so be ready with a calm comfortable space with lots of snacks after your speedy escape.

They have now been distributed in safe homes and will live a life away from exploitation, but our work doesn’t end here. So many are still in that place and others like it.

Find T&S and get as many rabbits and chinchillas out of those hellholes. Make the farmers’ lives impossible. We must crush fur farming to the ground. We must end animal exploitation.

We want to dedicate this action to our comrade Matthias, still locked up (for nearly ten months now) without proof and without trial.

Until all are free. Until all prisons are destroyed. Until all chains are broken. Until all mouths are fed.

Until we win.



Photo of a black hooded pullover jumper with an illustrated print on the front

During the London Animal Rights March we released a new bit of merch and kept it a little quiet, but we are now ready to release it online! 

Check our “For The Wild” zip hoodie, designed by Grisdansmavie, featuring two humans and two rabbits getting the fuck away from an animal exploitation facility in the middle of the night. 

It is now available on our website alongside our sticker packs and all the other merch you know and love. We’ve attempted to stock all sizes of all designs, so if you’ve been unable to find what you wanted, it is your chance now! Because we’ve been super busy travelling and organising stuff, a helping hand is really needed, so it might be a good time to grab yourself some awesome merch and show some support.

You can find all our merch here, grab yourself something and support UnoffensiveAnimal! 

A couple of weeks back we were in Switzerland talking to some folks at Hof Narr about security culture and direct action. We will upload a full report about it, but it was magnificient to meet so many people. Last week we spent a few days at the EF! Gathering and Animal Liberation Gathering in Co Durham. It is always a pleasure to meet with folks from all around the world fighting against climate change and for animal liberation. We did get one of us arrested on silly charges and quite a big group of comrades was arrested for blockading coal mines, so we will keep you updated about support if it is needed. This weekend we are in Sheffield with HeartCure giving a few talks during their Animal Liberation Gathering, so if you’re around pop by! 

All this stuff isn’t the only thing keeping us busy. The badger cull is coming up very soon and alongside our comrades at Underground Badger Syndicate we are getting ready for camp and cage smashing. 

As you can see, we are super busy and we really could do with support. If you want to give us a ghelping hand, consider donating to us. 

Our monthly donation scheme is down on Patreon, and even two or three dollars a month makes a huge difference: 

If you cannot donate monthly but would like to donate as a one-off, consider chucking some coins at us via paypal: 



22nd of August, South East, UK

received anonymously via email:

“During the early hours of the 22nd of August we crept through the night into a small farm which had many different animals held prisoner.

We sprayed MURDERERS, ALF and BIRDS WANT TO BE FREE on the front and inside of the sheds so they would have a nice surprise in the morning.

We opened the guinea foul enclosure but they seemed so traumatized they didn’t understand freedom. We hope some got away.

The chickens are now safe and will live a life free from exploitation. We only wish we could save more!

We will keep liberating and fighting until all are free.”


17th August, France.

received anonymously via email:

“On the night of the 17th of August, 13 rabbits were helped to get free from the farm they were held prisoners in.

They were going to be murdered soon so that some humans could consume their flesh.

They were sequestered into small overcrowded cages and had never seen the sunlight. Most of them were pregnant females.

We took them far away from their torture camp. Today they feel the ground under their paws and the sun on their fur for the first time.

Our thoughts go in the first place to all the people we left behind in the camp, they are the resistants who are surviving in conditions we cannot even imagine. Our actions aren’t heroic, this is the least we can do to become accomplices of those people held prisoners.

It’s a moral duty for every antispeciesist to take action now, to take advantage of our human privilege to open all the gates.

No earthling should be imprisoned.

We have a thought for Matthias, our comrade held in Switzerland, and each activist suffering from the repression.

We’re just getting started. Expect us.”


20th August, Leeds UK.

received anonymously via email:

“This time around it isn’t a factory farm, but a fucking private house that has decided to keep a rabbit locked up in a hatch barely double their size.

As we approach the front garden we can see them moving franticly. With nothing to do, they keep ticking their head over and over. They are bigger than we expect and we have to wrestle them. After a couple of very tense minutes under the living room window, where their abusers are watching TV, they are safely put in their transporter and we walk out and into the car. They will now live in a home that will provide the space they need. They will be able to hop, run and hide, away from their prison.

As we drive away, we name them Eric. Eric has managed to escape their cage, but our comrade Eric King has been suffering in prison. Fascist screws have been throwing him in with Nazis, allowing them to kick the shit out of our comrade. The far right, fascist behaviour of the prison guards is not tolerable, from locking Eric in solitary to not allowing most letters he gets sent to even arrive and not giving him vegan food, he has certainly been having a really bad time in prison.

If you are not willing to break the law, at least support our comrades. Send love to our prisoners.

Get informed about Eric:

Send him letters of love and tell him this story!

Until every cage is empty, and every prison is burnt to the ground!

Animal Liberation Front.”


14th August, Meiningen, Germany.

received anonymously via email:

“1 person, no tools – but you still can smash a hunting tower because every single 1 counts!

So if you are out there in the woods stumbling across something only built to kill, smash it! Don’t walk by, make a difference & destroy the shit!

Holiday greetings from the ALF”