3rd May, Portland , OR, USA

According to media reports, The People’s Pig in Portland, Oregon, was hit on the 3rd of May. Three windows were broken, a fourth one was spray painted with a Veganarchist sign. End speciesism was painted underneath.

At this time we have not received a claim of responsibility.


May 10th, Louisville, CO USA

Received anonymously via email:

“Activists masked up and gave the corporate headquarters of Boulder Sausage a smashing welcome to the real animal liberation movement.

We aren’t here to persuade you to add plant based options and enable you to continue lining your pockets with money you use to slit throats and murder families. We’re here to watch your businesses burn to the fucking ground and make you fearful and ashamed of your work. As many cute local, grass fed, humanely raised buzzwords as you want to use, selling body parts that belonged to a person of a life will never be an ethical or respectable business practice. No to vegan capitalism. No to animal enslavement of any kind.
We hope this short and to-the-point video will inspire every individual reading this to do what they can to take similar action against evil animal exploiting businesses. We’re normal humans like you, you’re only a mask and a hammer away. And given the times, you’re probably now only just a hammer away.

Until all are free,
Long live the Animal Liberation Front.

P.S. to Boulder Sausage;
If you haven’t yet, check in on your delivery van. Some maintenance may be due.”

CHEESE SHOP SPRAY PAINTED (Claim of responsibility)

5th May, Brighton UK.

received anonymously via email:

“On the 5th May, we covered our faces, picked up a spray can and headed into Brighton. We were inspired by other actions of this kind which we have seen from others in our area. We are sick of seeing “high welfare” places selling animal products. They think this is guilt free, but we know that they are still using and abusing animals- “free range” and “high welfare” are just labels used so that humans can feel better about the abuse.

Local media picked up the story and printed a one sided story about how the shop owner is very upset. We hope that she and her customers think about what they are selling and paying for, and we are not sorry that this shop might fall into financial difficulty.

We have been very disappointed to see the response to the media, which is a lot of vegans being unsupportive, and saying that this action harms the ‘vegan movement’. To that, we say: we are the animal liberation movement. We are not fighting for more vegan options and acceptance in society. We are fighting for liberation.”


5th May, Brighton UK.

According to mainstream media, a cheese shop in Brighton was spray painted overnight in Brighton with “DAIRY = DEATH”.

The shop owner said “The emotional impact alone has been horrible, I’ve got that knotted, twisting feeling inside – my stomach’s still churning. When Sam saw it, he felt like he’d almost been punched.”

She said that the graffiti would cost “a small fortune to remove”.


May, Czech Republic.


“Crushed and beaten lives. Dot. Dust, stink and feathers. Dot. Arrive, leave. Dot. Take someone with us, leave someone behind. Dot. Cry and bang my head on the steering wheel. Dot. To be happy for every animal we have stolen from the underworld. Dot. Don‘t stop breathing. Dot. Return. Dot.

Fuck nirvana. If there are any future lives I want to be one of you. In a meat grinder if you understand… Without luck if you understand… Because we are just animals if you understand.

There are three rescue actions in this report with a total of 36 rescued animals, to whom we changed lives for the better.”


2nd May, South UK.

Received anonymously via email:

“Taking our daily exercise during lockdown, we came across this piece of shit eyesore! It didn’t take long to get this over and decided to go back when it was dark to finish the job off.

Theres still a lot of damage we can cause for the hunt scum, keep your eyes open for traps, towers, feeders etc when out and about, whilst social distancing obviously, we wouldn’t want to break the rules, just the fucking towers.

So get busy, smash them up, it’s good exercise.

Until all are free.”


1st April, Bochum, Germany,

received anonymously via email:

“Showing the general public that people who support cruelty have to deal with consequences.”


27th April, UK.

Via: Underground Badger Syndicate

“Poking around a local shoot, we stumbled across some Larsen traps. The scum seemed a little protective of them, they were located in view of their scum houses and the prisoners were padlocked inside. So we came back at night with our boltcutters to set them free and smash the shit outta the cages.

Three magpies were released and two traps destroyed. We’ll be back again soon to check there’s no more.

We dedicate this action for freedom to our friend Jess, an incredible warrior. ❤



29th April, Brighton UK.

received anonymously via email:

“Responding to the call to action to take out our rage on speciesist businesses’ windows.

Enough of buying a plant based sausage roll and patting ourselves on the back. Let’s not hand our money and power over to evil corp and fool ourselves believing it’s a win. We want to see the economic sabotage of the blood industry, not support it. We want to see THEM pay. Remember whose side we are on. We stand with the animals whose bodies are being sold. Big and small, local and international, let’s smash the FUCK out of these exploiters. They profit from murder.

Hammer to glass or knife to throat, remember who has lost the most.

In the early hours of the morning, with the owners watching tv above, we glued the locks, left a message and smashed the fuck out of Rogman Butcher’s windows.

We are glad that many feel “This gives a bad name to veganism” because until veganism becomes active and antispeciesist, its name stinks of rotting capitalism.

We hope the butcher claims the loss to the insurance company and has it replaced free of cost, because that will bring the insurance cost up not just for them, but also for any butchers around the area. We hope that with enough windows smashed, all butchers go out of business unable to pay for more windows and insurance.

We hope this form of action catches fire and we see a relentless wave of window smashing through Brighton, through the UK and throughout the whole world.

We dedicate this action to the 13 rangers murdered in the Congo for protecting the wild.

Mask up from the virus, and the bigger killer, the cops.



March, South East UK

Received anonymously via email:

“I’ve delayed the report to keep the rabbits safe.

Seeing that lockdown was going to happen soon and really worried about what pet shops would do with all the live animals they sell I went to a well known store in South East UK to make friends with a couple of rabbits.

Shoplifting is easy, and shoplifting from the pet store feels like a duty, but I had to think twice before taking animals out. I used some social skills and lots of chatter, talked to one of the employees and asked them to put them in the carrier as I wanted two of them. We talked for about five minutes. That was enough screening for the shop to “sell” me two sentient beings.

With the rabbits in the carrier, the employee told me they were going to pick up a couple of leaflets I should read. I grabbed some treats and walked to the till. Lefthanding the carrier, I paid 3.99 for the treats and walked out as if nothing had happened. They will never be traded, because their life is priceless.

Shoplifting is easy. You should try it. Be it a sneaky vegan chocolate bar, your new phone or whatever tickles your fancy. Save yourself from the queues and the till, and maybe help our friends.

They now have all the space they want to run around, and climb, and explore, and be themselves, and they will live the pirate-fugitive life for the rest of their lives.

Fuck the pet trade and fuck pet breeders and fuck pet shops. Fuck the lot.”