According to local news, Ron Cockayne Butchers Ltd was attacked by unknown people. Eighteen bricks were used to break through the window, then smashed the cooked meat counter, multiple freezers, smashed eggs and glass jars and put a cleaver through a freezer door. A butcher’s knife and a set of keys went missing.
The owner says that over 3k GBP worth of damage was caused to the forty seven year old butcher shop.
“On their website, these butcherers of animals claim they have a great fondness for this particular store since its the first they established. Shame if something were to happen to it.
Too late!
A multitude of crashes filled the air as the rich slept contentedly in their onlooking apartments. On our journey away from the scene, a cop van suddenly appeared in our pathway. Our hearts sank but having already smoothly blended back into our surroundings, they didnt lift a finger. Not even your precious police or sickening neighbourhood can shield you from whatever is coming your way.
Destruction to all who hold commodities above life, status above justice, themselves above others.”
received anonymously via email Unfortunatelty, we only received photos without any text, so we do not know anything about the action, its motives or its results.
“On the evening of the 13th of feb we popped all four tires of a butchers van in Bristol. A small but fun and easy action. We would like to use this space to call for a return to militant action and radical thought in the animal rights movement. This action is dedicated to all other ALF activists, we love you!. ALF”
“This emotional footage shows only a couple of minutes of a dangerous rescue mission.
Our ALF member in Turkey, at a secret location secretly goes into a shelter and rescues these 2 ‘banned breed’ dogs at night.
This mother and daughter has been abandoned at a shelter and they would have to spend their lives there due the laws in Turkey. Living on cold concrete, eating, sleeping, peeing and pooping in the same 5 metre square cage. And one day possibly being secretly put to sleep.
We have taken these girls onto a freedom ride and they are at a safe location now living happily with a family.
These dogs breeds are the most abused, sold, pushed into fights, made pregnant, ears and tails cut off. WE WILL KEEP FIGHTING FOR PITBULLS, DOGOS, STAFFS, NO DOGS LEFT BEHIND!!!!”
“Bu duygusal görüntü, tehlikeli bir kurtarma görevinin yalnızca birkaç dakikasını gösteriyor.
Türkiye’deki ALF üyemiz gizli bir yerde gizlice bir barınağa giriyor ve gece bu 2 ‘yasaklı cins’ köpeği kurtarıyor.
Bu anne ve kızı bir barınağa terk edildi ve Türkiye’deki yasalar nedeniyle hayatlarını orada geçirmek zorunda kalacaklardı. Aynı 5 metrekarelik kafeste soğuk beton üzerinde yaşamak, yemek yemek, uyumak, işemek ve kaka yapmak. Ve bir gün muhtemelen gizlice uyutulmak.
Bu kızları bir özgürlük yolculuğuna çıkardık ve şimdi bir aileyle mutlu bir şekilde yaşıyorlar.
Bu köpek ırkları en çok istismara uğrayan, satılan, kavgaya itilen, hamile bırakılan, kulakları ve kuyrukları kesilen köpeklerdir. PITBULLAR, DOGOLAR, STAFFLAR İÇİN SAVAŞIMIZ DEVAM EDECEK. HİÇBİR KÖPEĞİ ARKAMIZDA BIRAKMIYACAĞIZ !!!!”
“The target – a broiler farm in the north of the UK. We’d already checked out the satellite maps, done our recy and found good homes for up to 8 birds, so tonight we were ready to break them out.
We arrived at the target and masked up, we crossed two snowy fields and through a ditch to find 3 massive barns. All 3 barn doors were locked, but our handy crowbar had no problem popping one of the doors open. So, following biosecurity precautions, we went in.
The first thing we saw were dead bodies rotting on the shit covered floor. There were thousands of chickens packed into that stinking barn but we only had homes for 8. We quickly scooped them up into bags. Our lookout alerted us to lights turning on in the farmhouse nearby, so we left, sharpish.
Today those birds are free, safe and nobody is going to eat them.
But what about those birds left behind? We live in a society where those murdering scum with blood on their hands, who terrorise for money and pleasure, are protected by law. Anyone who feels the urgent moral obligation to act against this cruelty and injustice has to work outside of the law…..
There’s a farm near you full of slaves that just want YOU to get them out of there. They don’t have the privilege to wait until the world changes for the better, they want their autonomy and freedom now, and they need you to give it to them. “
According to media reports, 600 mink were freed from cages at a fur farm in Tingsryd during the night of January 22. The same farm was raided by activists in 2019. We have not received a statement in relation to the action, but you can read the report that was released after the action in 2019:
anonymous report:
“In the early hours of September 3, 2019, all of the prisoners on a small mink farm in Hölkemåla, Blekinge, Sweden, escaped from the cages. In total about 1500 persons managed to get free. We gave a helping hand by disassembling the fence of the farm and then opening all the cage doors. We removed parts of the fence using a wrench to ensure a way out. The fur farm was situated right next to a lake where we hope that as many as possible now get to live. In a world where freedom exists only in moments of rebellion and insurrection, we still think that the possibility of a life in the forest and lake is quite the opposite of that in a cage. We do recognize that the already destroyed eco-systems and colonised nature is nothing like a dream, but since it is all that we have it is where we will go from our imprisoned existences. A passion for freedom is what drove us to this hidden killing facility to increase the freedom for all of us. Our desire to share this moment of freedom with the minks is rooted in solidarity and love as well as anger and hatred towards those who dominate us and try to steal our lives. We strongly believe that there is no limit to the things we can do, all we need is to make up our minds and pick a target. We send our love to Eric King, Matthias in Switzerland and all other prisoners around the world!”
“After a tip off by a student, we learnt about a pet breeder doing deals with vivisectors. According to a receipt, they had sold mice, amphibians and birds to a university laboratory some time ago.
Having found out about their existence and after studying their movements we went into to the farm. Thanks to previous reccy work we knew that most of the animals, including rabbits, mice and guinea pigs, were out of reach without working out the alarm systems, but that for overwintering purposes we would be able to access tubs filled with fire salamanders.
As we approached the building, a light hit us. Someone was driving towards us! We were lucky, hid quickly and managed to not be seen. We crept to a safe distance and considered our options. Not wanting to abandon the salamanders to a torturous future at a testing facility we decided to stay and see if we would get an opportunity. Hidden and cold we sat watching a lone worker load up a van. After a long tense hour, concerned that the next shift was quickly approaching, we were relieved to see the person jump back in the van and finally drive away. It was our time and we did not waste it.
Opening the tubs it was clear the disregard for the salamanders. Mould growing on the substrate, bark rotting at the bottom of the tubs, and in multiple enclosures, frozen plastic containers were some had died in the ice. It was grim but we were hopeful, and we worked fast and systematically clearing tub after tub after tub.
It was loud work and five minutes later, whilst still working on emptying more tubs of salamanders, another car approached. Our window of opportunity was closing, we could either get away with the majority of them or all get caught. We did not have the time to empty all the tubs. Three of them remained unopened.
We walked away with over 80 fire salamanders that could’ve ended up either sold as a pet, or experimented on in a lab to test their poisons potential to heal dermatitis. It was a good first step, but it certainly won’t be the last.
This deeply rooted speciesist system begs for the direct action of each and every one of us. There is no other choice but to take action unapologetically, to think strategically and to ensure that abusers are unable to make profit by harming animals.
In solidarity with Marius, still behind bars for fighting for a better world. We hope this news reaches you in the form of a late birthday present.
For a world without patriarchy or fascism.
For a world where capitalism is an ugly nightmare of the past.
All of them found safe homes where they are no longer sentenced to life in imprisonment, reduced to an egg machine, piece of flesh or a testing subject. It wouldn’t be possible without people willing to offer them a safe place to live. The more there are, the more animals we can liberate in future.”
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