17th November, Argentina.

via: @anarcoveganismo.arg

ENGLISH (translation):

“Antispeciesist and anarchist activists liberated 10 chickens from a place of exploitation.

We feel the urgency to take direct action and to try against all odds to change the fait of some, even if it is just a single life that is being used and exploited in this sleepy society so comfortable with speciesism.

No animal is our slave.
Animals are not things to sale, all we should do is to break their cages and liberate them, so they can become someone once again and stop being something that will be chopped up.

On a whim, we had to run with some of those chickens, looking back to all those who we couldn’t take with. We will come back for revenge. The revenge of all those who were murdered.

Veganism is war and an endless fight until every cage is empty.

Animal liberation, real and total.
Not just words, but our deeds!
Risk everything, we owe it to them!

From the animal liberation front we want to thank for the news and say: Veganism without animal liberation is a diet. All our complicity with everybody who takes action to give animals a different future, a chance to be born again.

Solidarity and antispeciesist self organisation. “

SPANISH (original):

Liberación de 10 gallinas de la explotación.

[Recibido por mensaje interno/anónimo]

”Activistas antiespecistas y Anarquistas liberaron 10 gallinas de la explotación de un centro de exterminio. 

Sentimos la urgencia de tomar acción directa e intentar contra todo pronóstico cambiarles el destino aún que sea a una sola vida que esta siendo cosificada y explotada en esta sociedad dormida y cómoda en el especismo. 

Ningún animal es nuestro esclavo,

Los animales no son mercancía y lo que debemos hacer es romper sus jaulas y darles libertad, para que vuelvan a ser alguien y dejen de ser algo que será descuartizado.

La mañana nos toma por sorpresa y debemos huir junto a ellas , mirando atrás a todas las que no pudimos salvar.
Pero volveremos por venganza, la venganza de las que fueron asesinadas.

Veganismo es guerra, y una lucha interminable hasta que cada jaula esté vacía. 
Liberación Animal total y real. 
No es un eslogan,es nuestro deber!

Arriesgarlo todo ,se lo debemos!”

Desde el frente de liberacion animal queremos agradecer estas noticias que nos llegan y decir:

Veganismo sin liberacion animal es dieta, 
Toda nuestra complicidad para quienes ponen el cuepo en una acción para darles a los demás animales un destino diferente, una oportunidad de volver a nacer.

Solidaridad y autogestion antiespecista”


27th October, France.

Via: Attaque

ENGLISH (translation):

“On their return from a morning’s hunting, several members of the ACCA Le Rallye seurrois had the displeasure of finding nails hammered into their tires. For the association’s president, this was a deliberate act, aimed specifically at hunters.

It’s Sunday, October 27. Johan Tillet, secretary of the ACCA (association communale de chasse agréée) Le Rallye seurrois, a local hunting association, is making the short journey home by car after a morning’s hunting. But he discovers a flat tire caused by a dozen nails.

How did they get there? And especially so many? He says he didn’t realize immediately that his tires were riddled with nails until he got home. “At noon, another hunter called to tell me that he also had nails stuck in his four tires, and then others also contacted me shortly afterwards.”

Johan Tillet decided to retrace his steps to find the origin of the nails, and it was on a communal road leading to the route de Lanthes that more nails were found, as well as in a parking lot not far from Étang-Rouge. “There were several hundred nails across the road and in the parking lot. This represents a strip about 30 to 40 cm wide and 5 to 6 meters long”, he explains.”


“I think we were targeted,” continues Johan, “since this passageway leads to a hunting cabin.” He passed on a message encouraging those who had suffered this vandalism to lodge a complaint with the gendarmerie. At least seven vehicles belonging to members of the association were affected.

FRENCH (original):

“Au retour d’une matinée de chasse, plusieurs membres de l’ACCA Le Rallye seurrois ont eu le déplaisir de trouver des clous plantés dans leurs pneus. Pour le président de l’association, il s’agit d’un acte délibéré, visant spécifiquement les chasseurs.

Nous sommes dimanche 27 octobre. Johan Tillet, secrétaire de l’ACCA (association communale de chasse agréée) Le Rallye seurrois, une association de chasse locale, effectue un court trajet jusqu’à son domicile en voiture après une matinée de chasse. Mais il découvre un pneu crevé à cause d’une dizaine de clous.

Comment ont-ils pu arriver là ? Et surtout autant ? Il assure ne pas s’être rendu compte tout de suite que ses pneus étaient criblés de clous, seulement en rentrant chez lui. « À midi, un autre chasseur m’a appelé pour me dire qu’il avait aussi des clous plantés dans ses quatre pneus, puis d’autres m’ont aussi contacté peu de temps après. »

Johan Tillet décide de faire le chemin qu’il a emprunté pour en trouver l’origine, et c’est sur un chemin communal menant à la route de Lanthes que d’autres clous ont été retrouvés ainsi que sur un parking situé non loin de l’Étang-Rouge. « Il y avait plusieurs centaines de clous mis en travers du chemin et sur le parking. Cela représente une bande d’environ 30 à 40 cm de large et 5 à 6 mètres de long », explique-t-il.


« Je pense que nous étions visés », reprend Johan, « puisque ce passage emmène vers une cabane de chasse. » Il a fait passer un message pour encourager les personnes qui ont subi ce vandalisme à déposer une plainte en gendarmerie. Au moins sept véhicules des membres de l’association ont été touchés.”


1st November, Germany.

According to local press, the police is looking for witnesses as a hunter found their tower shot at, counting over 10 bullet holes.

The hunter says the occurrence has been very frightening and they cannot imagine who could’ve done it.

The hunting tower that was shot in Sehlem forest declined any comment.


31st October, North Italy.

Received anonymously via email:

ENGLISH (translation):

“Dolcetto o scherzetto? (Trick or Treat?)
Hunters and anyone who tortures and kills animals deserve only tricks.

On Halloween night, abetted by night and fog, we attacked and set fire to a location from which hunters shoot birds.
The fire devoured and purified this place of death.
The fight for Animal Liberation continues, no ifs or buts!
Animal Liberation Front”

ITALIAN (original):

“Dolcetto o scherzetto? (Trick or Treat?)
I cacciatori e chiunque tortura e uccide animali merita solo scherzetti.

Nella notte  di Halloween, complice la notte e la nebbia, abbiamo attaccato e dato fuoco a una postazione da cui i cacciatori sparano ai volatili.
Il fuoco ha divorato e purificato questo luogo di morte.
La lotta per la Liberazione Animale continua, senza se e senza ma!
Animal Liberation Front”


received anonymously via email:

30th October, Talensac France.

[image unrelated, report did not include images]

ENG (translation):

“The counter-attack is being organized in the Talensac forest. Under the cover of darkness, rabid little rabbits armed with saws attacked the death installations that are the hunting stands. Five of them fell to the rabbits’ determined assaults. It was a joy to see these symbols of oppression dismantled, a joy shared by the other animals in the forest.

Will these acts be reproduced as quickly as the rabbits?”

FRENCH (original):

“La contre-attaque s’organise dans la forêt de Talensac. A la faveur de la nuit, des petit.e.s lapin.e.s enragé.e.s armé.e.s de scies ont attaqué les installations de mort que sont les miradors de chasse. Cinq d’entre eux sont tombés sous les assauts déterminés des lapin.e.s. Quelle joie de voir ces symboles d’oppression être démantelés, joie partagée par les autres animaux de la forêt.

La reproduction de ces actes sera t-elle aussi rapide que celle des lapin.e.s ?”


4th November, UK.

received anonymously via email:

“23 years later and we are still thinking of Barry Horne. Those who take action for liberation are never forgotten.

Barry gave his all and fought like hell. If you don’t know about some of the things he was involved in; from fighting to save Rocky the dolphin, to raiding Interfauna, to smashing fancy wine bottles at a vivisectors conference and so much more! You need to go learn some history and get inspired.

We thought of you Barry as we broke our way into a ‘free range’ egg farm and the stench stung our eyes. We thought of all the fire inside you that fueled you to fight so hard for animal liberation, right till your last breath. May that fire burn as bright for all of us and spur us on till we win.

Fuck fur farms, fuck vivisection labs, fuck zoos, fuck oceanariums, fuck your ‘free range’ farms, fuck the hunts, fuck prisons, fuck all cages everywhere!

In his own words “If you don’t act then you condone. If you don’t fight then you don’t win. And if you don’t win then you are responsible for the death and suffering that will go on and on.””


4th October, Pauilhac France.

According to local press, the Pauilhac Hunting Club suffered an attack by anonymous activists days before the start of the hunting season. Several stands were vandalised, some of them having the reinforcement removed but leaving the structures up, which makes hunters afraid of climbing on any of the raised hides in case they call down when they shoot animals.

So far, no suspects have been identified.



18th October, Pennsylvania USA.

Stahl Mink Farm Targeted Again After Thousands of Captive Mink Released in September 2023

 Although an anonymous communique has yet to be received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, activists appear to have liberated hundreds more captive mink from Stahl Fur Farm in Pennsylvania early this morning, according to local news media. Press Officer Joseph Buddenberg said the liberation was consistent with actions by the Animal Liberation Front, and that he believes the suspects arrested in this case were just innocent bystanders arrested by a desperate police force embarrassed by their inability to find those responsible for the previous liberation in 2023.

According to local law enforcement, Christopher Legere, 25, and Cara Mitrano, 27, both of Massachusetts, were taken into custody and charged with agricultural vandalism, criminal mischief- damage of property, theft by unlawful taking, cruelty to animals, burglary and criminal trespass. They were picked up in Ralpho Township about 15 miles away.”


18th October, Serbia.

received anonymously via email:

“On night 18.-19. October 2024. few activist destroyed 11 hunting towers. That would be normal activity of our group if we didn’t find an “artwork”, in video we can see “special” hunting tower in which someone invested a lot of resources and time, we are sure someone will be really pissed when they see what has left from it.

Hunting tower was painted in green colour with logo of“hunting association of Serbia”, it had horseshoe on the doors and deer antlers on the other side of the tower, PVC window, 2 cameras that was powered by solar panel, as it was on remote location. Inside it looked very cozy, there were some tools on the wall, picture of saint, wifi router with SIM card and few trophies, shelf with bullet shells, boar figures and framed old wooden arrow. Everything that we have found in tower and around was destroyed or disposed around the location or out of location.

Music in the video is made by Serbian singer Sloba Radanovic and is about love, there is connection in lyrics as “čeka” on Serbian means “waiting” and “hunting tower” as well, so in this video it can be interpreted like hunting tower was waiting for us. XD

Something about our group, we like to call ourself “Čuvari čeka” what can be translated as “Hunting tower protectors”, similar as hunters, they call themselves “nature protectors” and they are killing animals, so we call ourself “Hunting tower protectors” and we are destroying hunting towers and other hunting facilities.

Our group is “operating” for about 2 years and for now we have destroyed more then 40 hunting towers, we hope that our work will inspire and motivate other animal right activists from region and above.”


received anonymously via email:

14th October, somewhere cold and Northern. (UK?)

“Our night was quickly off to a great start when one of our cars showed up a whopping 45 minutes late due to some questionable navigation. After some hurried hellos we set off across multiple soggy fields towards our target, carrying a crate each. The dark outline of multiple sheds shortly came into view and a cursory look through our thermal imaging device told us the coast was clear.

With one person on watch, we climbed into our chosen shed. The first thing that always hits you is the smell of ammonia, filling your nostrils and lungs. We began picking up hens, one-by-one, and placing them into the crates. The girls were nervous and bunched together in the corners ready to be scooped up, but most went into the crates easily enough. One or two more boisterous ladies struggled and expressed contempt at being helped to freedom, but we powered on.

After a few minutes, the crates were full and we were ready to go. Reunited with our look-out we began the arduous journey with full crates back across multiple fields. This took a lot of strength, energy, multiple stops, and a little swearing, but we eventually loaded the lucky ladies up into our vehicle and delivered them safely to their new home. We went in hoping to rescue 20 hens, and we were ecstatic to surpass our target. Ironically, the scale of industrial farming means the farmer probably won’t even notice their absence. So much for treating them like ‘family’.

Actively rescuing animals from the institutions that harm them is the purest form of nonviolent direct action; bypassing the powers-that-be to create the future we need now. Tomorrow, these hens will be waking up tasting freedom – not ammonia – for possibly the first time in their lives. And that is a sweet thought.

Stay safe out there x”