4th December, Argentina.
Received anonymously via email:
ENGLISH (translation):
“From a corner of Buenos Aires Argentina.
We claim responsibility for the liberation of chickens that were destined to be used as food for animal parasites, forced to be born to then torture them until their assassination, now they will live their own life, they’ll share space with people who do not consider them something, but someone.
With this liberation we remind you all that unfortunately there is a constant kidnap, exploitation and murder of animals in every direction you look.
We call all to put their energy against this exploitation and liberate, sabotage, attack speciesists by any means necessary, relentlessly and declaring war to speciesism.
Frente de Liberacion Animal.
Antispeciesist dissidents. “
SPANISH (original):
“desde algun rincon de buenos aires argentina
revindicamos la liberacion de gallinas destinadas a ser usadas como alimento para lacras que parasitan a lxs animales, son forzandolas a nacer para luego torturarles hasta su asesinato, ahora van a vivir su vida, habitaran el espacio con diferentes personas que no las consideraran algo, sino alguien.
recordamos con esta liberacion que lamentablemente existen constantes instancias de secuestro, explotacion, asesinato de animales, en cada lugar donde mires.
alentamos a destinar energia en el asunto y liberar, sabotear, aviolentar especistas, y a todos los metodos necesarios, sin parar, para darle guerra al especismo.
frente de liberacion animal
disidencias antiespecistas”