16th June, Bristol UK.

received anonymously via email:

In the early hours of the 16th of June We visited the butchers shop in St Werbergs, Bristol.
There glass door and big window where shattered using rocks. The meat industry must end.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Alongside this report, we received another message 12 hours later. It seems like someone found out that people use UA as an anonymous reporting platform:

“You fucking cunts stop smashing shop windows – Wait until we find you. You will be caught taken away and have your hands butchered off.

It will only be a matter of time”.

To the anonymous, threatening butcher, we would like to ask you for a favour, could you please send us some photos of the smashed windows? Whoever did yous never sent any media with it and in order to publish things, photos and videos round up the news story a lot better.

PHOTO: unrelated image from The Ginger Pig Butcher Shop in London, that was smashed in January 2021.


10th June , Montreal, Canada.

received anonymouslty via email:

“After hearing its owner encouraging bowhunting on a local podcast, we decided to pay a visit to the self-proclaimed best archery specialty shop in the province.

The windows have been redecorated and the locks have been glued.

We aim to affect the wallet of this store who sells thousands of hunting weapons each year.

This action is dedicated to Katniss la combatante, a groundhog recently found alive in the east end of town, with an arrow piercing her back leg, shot by a coward but also to any wild animals who are unlucky enough to find themselves in the sights of a hunter”


23rd June, East Bridgford UK.

Received anonymously via email:

“Fuck your fences, fuck your fur farm!

While Anne – a T&S fur farm worker- slept in her static caravan, we crept around nearby. We easily cut through the fence surrounding the farm and went straight for a pen, catching as many rabbits as we had homes for. The rabbits didn’t make it easy for us, they made so much noise but we moved quickly and in minutes filled a number of carriers. With just a few left we walked over to the hutches nearest to the caravan and looked in to see a mother and her babies, just old enough to survive a late night adventure. We scooped them and mum up and left.

Back through the hole in the fence and happy in the knowledge that these rabbits would make it and never see a fur farm again. Our twelve new friends have now found the happiest of forever homes. No more tiny hutches, instead they will feel the earth and be free to do the biggest zoomies – just as all rabbits in that hell hole should!

As long as there’s rabbits being farmed we will be watching this place and we will come back.

Fuck you Phil Kerry.

Love and rage,

The Bite Back Bunnies Brigade.

The actions of this night were carried out in memory of Regan Russell, killed on June 19th two years ago; and Aaron Francis, a Northants hunt saboteur who recently passed away. We will keep their memory alive by continuing to fight for liberation for all.”


21st June, Sweden.

received anoymoulsy via email:

“In midsummer time the sun never goes down over so called Sweden. At night the ALF swarmed in the woods and sabotaged 10 hunting towers and smashed hunting cameras.

We destroyed that which destroys. No rest for the wicked.

Solidarity With Animal Freedom Movement. Shut Down MBR Acres. Free The MBR Beagles.

Until All Are Free – We Attack!”


21st June, Middlands UK.

received anonymously via email:

“At just 6 weeks old, their life would have been ended in the most violent and abhorrent way. Now they will be able to live peacefully, happy lives; free from exploitation.

Get up and go smash the system. Fught back. Liberate.

PS:This is a special FUCK YOU to Moy Park, you vile scumbags!”


20th  June, UK.

originally published on Animal Freedom Movement

“Activists from Animal Freedom Movement, a project supported by Animal Rebelion, have liberated 5 beagle puppies from MBR Acres!

These dogs were bred in this farm, ready to be shipped off to laboratories when they reached around 16 weeks old. Once they reached the labs, they would have been subject to unimaginable horrors in the name of ‘science’. Many of them would likely have suffered internal bleeding, vomiting, organ failure and worse, before eventually being killed.

In this day and age, it is simply unnecessary. Testing on animals is ineffective and unreliable when it comes to translating results to the human population. We have many, many alternative methods that are more relevant, valuable and do not require torturing and murdering animals.

We are absolutely thrilled to have safely rescued 5 dogs from this awful fate, and look forward to them being given loving homes and living the rest of their lives safe from abuse.”


2022, UK.

Over the past few weeks we have received second hand reports about unreported actions against the laboratory puppy mill MBR Acres. Here are the words of anonymous people who passed on information. Unfortunately as the reports do not come from the activists there is no solid way of knowing the exact details of the actions or of the intentions behind those actions.


“I have heard that one of the MBR workers’ house got spray painted. Surely he is not very happy with the company who don’t really care about his security. The press has been writing a lot of lies about it and the police is investigating”


“Someone has sent a 2 sec video of Russell’s house being spray painted, maybe because people have worked out that they are still operating in Thrapston. I can’t work out what it said on the wall but when I went to visit it had already been cleaned”.


“We have received information from a very trusted source that a heavy police presence was at MBR Beagle tonight due to ‘Animal Rights Militia’ contacting Cambridgeshire Police and informing them of a viable device left on site.

Police still in attendance doing fingertips search and a helicopter had been deployed to scene but has since gone according to a few activists in the local area.”

PHOTO: Beagle liberation by the ALF in Harlan Interfauna, now known as MBR Acres.


2nd June, Indianapolis, USA.

received anonymously via email:

“3 toilets sabotaged at Jack in the Box restaurants by flushing rocks and then paper towels down the toilets.

This easily reproducible act of sabotage should be carried at every animal abusing establishment.

Hide the rocks in a shopping bag purse or backpack and enter the restroom.

Plumbers costs hundreds or even thousands of dollars.”


26th May, Santiago Chile.

originally published by Contrainfo, translated by Dark Nights.

In the early morning of May 26, 2022, anonymous hands set fire to the Gil Letelier Huasos and Rodeo Club in the commune of Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Santiago, in addition to leaving pamphlets and bullets as a threat.

A few days later the action is attributed by the Animal Response Group to different counterinformation pages as a coordinated action and in conjunction with the attack on the gendarmerie building by the “Célula Insurreccional 2 de Noviembre” (November 2nd Insurrectional Cell).

Claiming responsibility for the arson attack against the Gil Letelier Huasos and Rodeo Club.

“I decided to get involved in serious criminal activities, after a serious reflection that I took as an individual.” Rod Coronado, Animal Liberation Front warrior.

Under cover of the moon and previously organized, in unison with the actions of the “Célula Insurreccional 2 de Noviembre” that attacked with an explosive device the building of the ” Circle of Retired Gendarmerie Officials”, we: attacked, set fire to and disabled one of the torture centers for animals, called medialuna. Where the rodeo is practiced, national sport of this disgusting country, which consists of two riders on horseback, whipping a bull against the wall, until it causes bruises, fractures, internal spills and even death.

This medialuna of the “Club de Huasos y Rodeo Gil Letelier”, was (hahaha) located in Carlos Valdovinos street #2951, commune of Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Santiago.

We used a large amount of fuel for our task. Vulnerating the security of the premises and the bastard police, but prepared in case we had to face as equals with vigilantes, citizen heroes or cops. Which, fortunately for them, did not happen.

We prioritized action; of sabotage, threat and execution. Fed up with a scene of supposed animal liberation fighters, who settle for an alternative diet, harmless words and belligerent network posts.

While they live in their peace, warring with their cell phones, animals die, suffer and regret having been born.

Rodeos, butcheries, vivisection centers, bioteries, laboratories, animal exploitation clubs for sport. All are our targets, and without hesitation all the humans who carry them out: financiers, workers, watchers, spectators, consumers, owners and competitors. Everyone is at risk.

We left a threatening 380 caliber bullet with a pamphlet attached, hanging on the failed structure, warning that blood and tears await them.

We frame this action, particularly this week, as a response to another anniversary of the death in combat of warrior Mauricio Morales.

As an operative group, our focus is primarily revenge, liberation and sabotage, in the name of Animal Liberation.

And in view of the fact that over the years, this aspect has been forgotten by a large part of the Cells that have vindicated him. We wanted to recall his anti-speciesist character, which he sustained with the same conviction with which he charged that last bomb against domination.

An incendiary wink to the informal groups that fight against the crude domesticating normality: “Células Revolucionarias Mauricio Morales”, “Animales Refractarixs”, “Algunas sombras en la noche”, “Núcleo Lobxs” and “Célula Insurreccional 2 de Noviembre”.

Animal Liberation, whatever it costs, and whoever it costs.
Mauricio Morales, Sebastián Oversluij and Barry Horne always present.
Fire to the prisons for humans and non-humans.
Back your ideas with action, and not let them die in the peace of inaction.
We want blood to give back the pain.



«Decidí implicarme en serias actividades delictivas, tras una seria reflexión que tomé como individuo.» Rod Coronado, guerrero del Frente de Liberación Animal.

Al amparo de la luna y previamente organizadxs, al unísono con el actuar de la «Célula Insurreccional 2 de Noviembre» que atacó con un artefacto explosivo el edificio del «Círculo de Funcionarios de Gendarmería en retiro», nosotros: atacamos, incendiamos e inutilizamos uno de los centros de tortura para animales, llamado medialuna. Donde se practica el rodeo, deporte nacional de este repugnante país, que consiste en dos jinetes montados a caballo, azotando un novillo contra una pared, hasta causarle hematomas, fracturas, derrames internos e incluso la muerte.

Esta medialuna del «Club de Huasos y Rodeo Gil Letelier», estaba (jajaja) ubicada en calle Carlos Valdovinos #2951, comuna de Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Santiago.

Utilizamos gran cantidad de combustible para nuestro cometido. Vulnerando la seguridad del recinto y a la policía bastarda, pero preparadxs en caso de tener que enfrentarnos de igual a igual con vigilantes, ciudadanos héroes o pacos. Lo cual no sucedió por suerte para ellos.

Tomamos como prioridad la acción; de sabotaje, amenaza y ajusticiamiento. Hastiadxs de una escena de supuestxs luchadorxs por la liberación animal, que se conforman con una dieta alternativa, con inofensivas palabras y publicaciones beligerantes de redes.

Mientras viven en su paz guerriando con su celular, los animales mueren, sufren y lamentan haber nacido.

Rodeos, carnicerías, centros de vivisección, bioterios, laboratorios, clubes de explotación animal por deporte. Todos son nuestros objetivos, y sin dudar todxs lxs humanxs que los llevan a cabo: financistas, trabajadorxs, vigilantes, expectadorxs, consumidorxs, dueñxs y competidorxs. Todxs corren riesgo.

Dejamos adosada una amenazante bala calibre 380 con un panfleto, colgando en la malograda estructura, en aviso de que les espera sangre y lágrimas.

Enmarcamos esta acción, particularmente en esta semana, para responder a un nuevo aniversario de la muerte en combate del guerrero Mauricio Morales.

Como grupo operativo, nuestro enfoque es principalmente la venganza, la liberación y el sabotaje, en nombre de la Liberación Animal.

Y en vista de que en el pasar de los años, esa arista se ha olvidado por gran parte de las Células que lo han reivindicado. Nosotrxs quisimos rememorar su carácter antiespecista, el cual sostuvo con la misma convicción con la cual cargó esa última bomba contra la dominación.

Un guiño incendiario a los grupúsculos informales que combaten la cruda normalidad domesticadora: «Células Revolucionarias Mauricio Morales«, «Animales Refractarixs«, «Algunas sombras en la noche«, «Núcleo Lobxs» y «Célula Insurreccional 2 de Noviembre«.

Liberación Animal, cueste lo que cueste, y a quién le cueste.
Mauricio Morales, Sebastián Oversluij, Barry Horne, presentes.
Fuego a las cárceles para humanxs y no humanxs.
A practicar las ideas, y no dejar que mueran en la paz de la inacción.
Hacia la sangre, a devolver el dolor.