Received anonymously via email:

17th March, Bologna Italy.

ENGLISH (translation):

“The Orfei Circus Traveling Jail has arrived in Imola (Bologna, Italy), with over 100 animals, including lions, tigers, giraffes, and horses forced to live in unnatural conditions for the sole purpose of entertaining the public.

The Orfei Circus persists in exploiting these individuals. Faced with this cruel reality, an action of resistance and awareness has begun: circus posters and billboards have been combed through the city and the shows have been “canceled” with stickers. The dates have been covered with images of a hypothetical “Secret Alliance of Animals in Revolt”, symbolizing the fight for freedom of those who, despite being locked in cages, will never stop yearning for happiness and freedom.

Some will think it is an act of vandalism, others a message that claims disobedience with a clear intent: the slavery of animals for human entertainment is no longer acceptable.

The Secret Alliance of Animals in Revolt invites everyone to boycott the Orfei Circus, and all circuses in the world that abuse animals, and to support cruelty-free alternatives.

Freedom is not only a human right, but of all living beings that inhabit this planet.”

ITALIAN (original)

“Il carcere itinerante del Circo Orfei è arrivato a Imola (Bologna- Italia), con oltre 100 animali, tra leoni, tigri, giraffe e cavalli costretti a vivere in condizioni innaturali per il solo scopo di intrattenere il pubblico.

Il Circo Orfei persiste nello sfruttamento di queste individui. Di fronte a questa realtà crudele è partita un’azione di resistenza e consapevolezza: locandine e manifesti del circo sono stati setacciati in tutta la città e gli spettacoli sono stati “annullati” con adesivi. Le date sono state coperte con immagini di un’ipotetica “Alleanza Segreta di Animali in Rivolta”, a simboleggiare la lotta per la libertà di chi, nonostante sia rinchiuso in gabbia, non smetterà mai di anelare libertà e felicità.

Qualcuno penserà ad atto di vandalismo, altri ad un messaggio che rivendica la disobbedienza con un chiaro intento: la schiavitù degli animali per il divertimento umano non è più accettabile.

L’Alleanza Segreta di Animali in Rivolta invita tutti a boicottare il Circo Orfei, e tutti i circi del mondo che abusano degli altri animali, e a sostenere le alternative cruelty-free. La libertà non è solo un diritto umano, ma di tutti viventi che abitano questo pianeta.”


7th March, Patras, Greece.

Originally published on Athens indymedia.

ENGLISH (translation)

“Taking responsibility for an attack on a butcher’s shop [Patras]

The struggle for anarchy must be multiform and anti-crisisism can only be an integral part of it. We understand anarchy also in the light of total liberation, we oppose all forms of power and oppression and we attack the rapists of nature by any means. Speciesism, which stems from human arrogance, which is fed by the technology and industry of state capitalist society, is yet another system of exploitation and degradation of non-human animals. From the ownership to which animals tend to be subjected, to their captivity and use as clothing, objects of experimentation/entertainment and food, we recognise the interconnectedness between all forms of domination. We reject anthropocentrism in all its forms and fight with the same passion against dominant institutions in their entirety.

At this point we should stress that veganism as a personal choice and nothing more is reformist. Meticulous veganism and its emphasis on nutrition facilitates its assimilation by capitalism and techno-industrial culture as just another lifestyle choice, which does not impose itself on any torture system, any industry and does not laud respect for life and freedom. We do not consider anyone expendable, therefore we do not perceive anyone as a product. At the same time, because the consumption of plant products (and consumption more broadly) is not an act of resistance, we aim not to participate in anything that generates and sustains product-consumer relationships. Furthermore, the struggle for total liberation is classless, so we do not discriminate between big industries, small neighborhood furriers, and any boss who profits from the confinement and abuse of animals. That’s why we champion veganism as a form of practical refusal of the entrenchment of authoritarian attitudes and relationships in our daily lives, and support any and all attacks, expropriations, sabotage, etc. on all the individual parts of the same system.

The slaughter and consumption of animals is deeply rooted in Greek culture and tradition, with Tsiknopesthi being one of the most characteristic examples. In particular, in the city of Patras, on this day there is a suffocating atmosphere with grills outside every kind of shop and on every street, with feasts being set up around the “pleasure” of skewering carcasses. All religious customs go hand in hand with meat-eating and torture, which not only normalises exploitation and abuse, but also makes it a central event of celebration. For us, the meanings of this day go beyond the profitability and annealing of the meat industry. Chicken Thursday is another day of release imposed by the system on the oppressed. A day where everything is allowed and every peaceful and docile citizen ‘overreaches’ and lashes out in equally enforced ways. Thus any remaining healthy and source feeling of rebellion, venting and shaking off an oppressive reality is expressed within the controlled plasmas defined by those in power. These decompression valves are a fundamental part of a decaying society that relies on the voluntary servitude of the oppressed to continue to sustain it.

For the above reasons, in the early morning hours of Thursday 7/3 we attacked the butcher’s shop in Favierou Street in Patras, breaking its windows. We are under no illusions that this act seriously harms any meat industry, instead it is a form of resistance and practical solidarity with every imprisoned, tortured and abused animal. Human and non-human.



GREEK (original)

“Ανάληψη ευθύνης για επίθεση σε κρεοπωλείο [Πάτρα]

Ο αγώνας για αναρχία οφείλει να είναι πολύμορφος και ο αντισπισισμός δεν μπορεί παρά να είναι αναπόσπαστο κομμάτι του. Αντιλαμβανόμαστε την αναρχία και υπό το πρίσμα της ολικής απελευθέρωσης, εναντιωνόμαστε σε κάθε μορφή εξουσίας και καταπίεσης και επιτεθόμαστε με κάθε μέσο στους βιαστές της φύσης. Ο σπισισμός, που απορρέει από την ανθρώπινη αλλαζονεία, η οποία είναι αλληλοτροφοδοτούμενη από την τεχνολογία και την βιομηχανία της κρατικής καπιταλιστικής κοινωνίας, αποτελεί ακόμη ένα σύστημα εκμετάλλευσης και εξαθλοίωσης των μη ανθρώπινων ζώων. Από το ιδιοκτησιακό καθεστώς στο οποίο τείθονται τα ζώα, μέχρι την αιχμαλωσία και την χρήση τους ως ένδυση, αντικείμενα πειραματισμού/διασκέδασης και τροφής, αναγνωρίζουμε την αλληλουχία μεταξύ όλων των μορφών κυριαρχίας. Απορρίπτουμε τον ανθρωποκεντρισμό σε κάθε μορφή του και πολεμάμε με το ίδιο πάθος τους εξουσιαστικούς θεσμούς στο σύνολο τους.

Σε αυτό το σημείο να τονίσουμε πως ο βιγκανισμός ως προσωπική επιλογή και τίποτα παραπάνω είναι ρεφορμιστικός. Ο σχολαστικός βιγκανισμός και η έμφαση στην διατροφή, διευκολύνει την αφομοίωση του από τον καπιταλισμό και τον τεχνοβιομηχανικό πολιτισμό, ως μια ακόμη lifestyle επιλογή, η οποία δεν επιτείθεται σε κανένα σύστημα βασανισμού, καμία βιομηχανία και δεν εγκωλπώνει τον σεβασμό προς την ζωή και την ελευθερία. Δεν θεωρούμε κανένα αναλώσιμο, επομένως δεν αντιλαμβανόμαστε κανένα ως προϊόν. Ταυτόχρονα, επειδή η κατανάλωση φυτικών προϊόντων (και ευρύτερα η κατανάλωση) δεν αποτελεί πράξη αντίστασης, στοχεύουμε στο να μην συμμετέχουμε σε οτιδήποτε γεννά και συντηρεί σχέσεις προϊόντος-καταναλώτριας. Επιπλέον, ο αγώνας για ολική απελευθέρωση είναι αταξικός, έτσι, δεν κάνουμε διακρίσεις ανάμεσα σε μεγάλες βιομηχανίες, μικρά συνοικιακά γουναράδικα και κάθε αφεντικό που κερδοφορεί από τον εγκλεισμό και την κακοποίηση των ζώων. Γι’αυτό, και προτάσσουμε τον βιγκανισμό ως μια μορφή έμπρακτης άρνησης της εμπέδωσης εξουσιαστικών συμπεριφορών και σχέσεων στην καθημερινότητα μας και στηρίζουμε κάθε επίθεση, απαλλοτρίωση, σαμποτάζ κλπ. σε όλα τα επιμέρους κομμάτια του ίδιου συστήματος.

Ο σφαγιασμός και η κατανάλωση ζώων είναι βαθιά ριζωμένα στην ελληνική κουλτούρα και παράδοση, με την τσικνοπέμπτη να αποτελεί ένα απ’τα πιο χαρακτηριστικά παραδείγματα. Ειδικότερα, στην πόλη της Πάτρας, την συγκεκριμένη ημέρα επικρατεί ένα ασφυκτικό κλίμα με ψησταριές έξω από κάθε είδους μαγαζί και σε κάθε δρόμο, με γλέντια να στήνονται γύρω από την “απόλαυση” του σουβλίσματος πτωμάτων. Όλα τα θρησκευτικά έθιμα πάνε χέρι-χέρι με την κρεατοφαγία και τον βασανισμό, γεγονός που όχι μόνο κανονικοποιεί την εκμετάλλευση και την κακοποιήση, αλλά παράλληλα τα αναγάγει σε κεντρικό γεγονός του εορτασμού. Για εμάς, τα νοήματα αυτής της ημέρας ξεφεύγουν από την κερδοφορία και την ανάπτηξη της κρεατοβιομηχανίας. Η τσικνοπέμπτη αποτελεί μια ακόμη μέρα εκτόνωσης που επιβάλλει το σύστημα στα καταπιεσμένα. Μια μέρα όπου όλα επιτρέπονται και κάθε φιλήσυχος και πειθήνιος πολίτης “υπερβάλλει” και ξεσπάει με εξίσου επιβαλλόμενους τρόπους. Έτσι κάθε εναπομείναν υγιές και πηγαίο αίσθημα εξέγερσης, εκτόνωσης και αποτίναξης μιας καταπιεστικής πραγματικότητας εκφράζεται μέσα στα ελεγχόμενα πλάισια που ορίζουν οι εξουσιαστές. Αυτές οι δικλίδες αποσυμπίεσης αποτελούν θεμελειακό κομμάτι μιας κοινωνίας που σαπίζει και βασίζεται στην εθελοδουλεία των καταπιεσμένων ώστε να συνεχίσουν να την συντηρούν.

Για τους παραπάνω λόγους, τα ξημερώματα της Πέμπτης 7/3 επιτεθήκαμε στο κρεοπωλείο, στην οδό Φαβιέρου στην Πάτρα, σπάζοντας τις βιτρίνες του. Δεν τρέφουμε ψευδαισθήσεις πως αυτή η πράξη μας ζημιώνει σοβαρά την οποιαδήποτε κρεοτοβιομηχανία , αντ’αυτού αποτελεί μια μορφή αντίστασης και έμπρακτης αλληλεγγύης σε κάθε έγκλειστο, βασανισμένο και κακοποιημένο ζώο. Ανθρώπινο και μη.



March, Buenos Aires Argentina.

Via: anarcoveganismo.arg

ENGLISH (translation)

“We claim responsibility for this direct action. Our sisters cannot wait until the population wakes up, complicit to the monster machine that we want to destroy. Thirteen lives were liberates and are now safe, they will never have to shake out of fear whilst their oppressor cuts their throat and ignores them whilst they bleed to death. They are free and able to grow old.

With rage in our bodies and feeling the eyes of all those we left behind, we will not forget their confusion and dismay. Animal liberation is a promise and a tangible reality for the chickens that were liberated from their murderers, who are as responsible as most of the people in a society that finances and ensures their behaviour becomes standard.

From the Animal Liberation Front we call for subversion, we wish for the destruction of this ill and speciesist system and we call for the multiplications of this ethics into action.

To all other animals, health and freedom.”

SPANISH (original): 

“Reivindicamos la acción directa porque nuestrxs hermanxs no pueden esperar a que la población dormida despierte, cómplice de la maquinaria monstruosa y demencial que queremos desarmar. Fueron trece vidas y libertades las que hoy están salvadas, y nunca sabrán lo que es temblar de miedo mientras su opresor corta sus cuellos y las ignora desangrándose. Son libres, podrán envejecer.

Con la rabia todavía en el cuerpo por la mirada de las que dejamos atrás, no olvidaremos su desconcierto, su deterioro. La Liberación Animal es hoy una promesa y, también, una realidad tangible para las gallinas que sí fueron rescatadas de sus asesinxs y raptorxs, igual de responsables que la mayoría de la sociedad con su permiso y financiamiento cotidianos.

Desde el Frente por la Liberación Animal (A.L.F.) llamamos a la subversión, deseamos la fractura de este sistema enfermo y especista, convocamos a la multiplicación de esta ética en acciones.

A los demás Animales, salud y libertad.”


18th March, Dorset, UK.

[ editor’s note: photo unrelated, rat trap sabotage in Regensburg 2021.]

“Each box was labelled as containing ‘rodenticide’ so we knew not to smash them up and risk scattering it, and not to just toss them into the bin where they could hurt other rats. We didn’t have the means to cut the wires and take all of them away to dismantle and burn so we settled for knowing that at least by filling each one with expanding foam, no one could be lured to their death that night. One bottle of it filled around 8 traps and meant that they aren’t going to be able to harm anyone until someone notices and actively deals with it, and we’ll be ready for if that happens. If you see traps, it’s easy and takes minimal tools to potentially save lives. No poison on our streets, freedom and life for all beings.”


(Delayed report) 7th Nov 2023, Malaysia

According to local media, two motorists splashed red paint on four butcher shops at Jalan Silk Hong, Rejang Park, Sungai Merah, and Jalan Wong Soon Kai at around 2:30 am on the 7th November.

The owner says the motive for the vandalism is unclear.


4th March, Greece.

Originally published on Athens Indymedia.

ENGLISH (translation):

“When others exchange recipes, we wear hoods.

At dawn on Sunday we invaded the Vassiliadis and Kavouras ‘game farm’ in Megara. First we tore down the fence of the wild boar enclosure and then we opened the doors of the deer cage.

We refuse the role of ‘liberator’ and consider that we have simply done the bare minimum solidarity with these captive beings: We gave them a chance to live.

Good riddance to all of them and death to those who consider them food.

Words are nothing, actions are everything and we are judged only by them.

Until next time…


GREEK (original)

“Όταν άλλοι ανταλλάζουν συνταγές, εμείς φοράμε κουκούλες.

Τα ξημερώματα της Κυριακής εισβάλαμε στα Μέγαρα στα ‘εκτροφεία θηραμάτων’ των Βασιλιάδη και Κάβουρα. Στο πρώτο ξηλώσαμε τον φράχτη των αγριογούρουνων και στο δεύτερο ανοίξαμε τις πόρτες του κλουβιού των ελαφιών.

Αρνούμαστε τον ρόλο του ‘απελευθερωτή’ και θεωρούμε ότι απλώς κάναμε το ελάχιστο χρέος μας ως αλληλέγγυοι απέναντι σε αυτά τα δέσμια όντα: Τους δώσαμε μια ευκαιρία να ζήσουν.

Καλή λευτεριά σε όλα τους και ψόφο κακό σε όσους τα θεωρούν φαγητό.

Τα λόγια δεν είναι τίποτα, οι πράξεις είναι τα πάντα και μόνο από αυτές κρινόμαστε.

Μέχρι την επόμενη φορά…



12th March, North Italy.

{Editor’s note: The video contains some sections where animal flesh is displayed. The English translation includes the a poem that was submitted alongside the report. We are not professional translators and the poem might sound odd in English.]

ENGLISH (translation)

“In a few days it will be Easter, and with this holiday comes the slaughter of lambs and goats, symbols of a cruel tradition.

Born to be killed at a few weeks old, their fate is no different from that of millions of other animals that are slaughtered every day amid excruciating suffering to be brought to the table. Today you can feed yourself without eating anyone. The choice is yours alone: this year choose an Easter with dishes that have not brought suffering to anyone, choose not to ingest the pain of innocents, choose compassion, choose to be just.

Every life that is born has the desire and the right to live as you do: CHOOSE VEGAN!

In the silent night, among the golden stars,
Nine goats’ souls were rescued.
From the clutches of oppressive breeding,
They were freed with decisive gesture.

Under the mantle of the moon, the angels of the ALF
Protected these creatures with love and warmth,
They led them away from cruel captivity,
To a new life, free and faithful.

Their little paws dance on the fresh earth,
Their eyes shine with a turquoise light,
Freedom is their song, in the whispered wind,
Nine lives filled with hope and breath.

Now they wander in meadows, among flowers and streams,
Away from pain, evils and entanglements.
They are the ambassadors of a kinder world,
Where compassion triumphs over every vile obstacle.

Let the story of these kids be a hymn to freedom,
May their courage and resilience be an eternal truth.
And may the call of wild life always be heard,
In nature’s embrace, in the heart of infinite universe.


ITALIAN (original)

“Tra pochi giorni sarà Pasqua e con questa festività si avvicina la strage di agnelli e capretti, simbolo di una crudele tradizione.

Nati per essere uccisi a poche settimane di vita, il loro destino non è diverso da quello di altri milioni di animali che ogni giorno vengono macellati tra atroci sofferenze per essere portati in tavola. Oggi ci si può nutrire senza mangiare nessuno. La scelta è solo tua: quest’anno scegli una Pasqua con pietanze che non abbiano procurato sofferenza a nessuno, scegli di non ingerire il dolore di innocenti, scegli la compassione, scegli di essere giusto.

Ogni vita che nasce ha la voglia e il diritto di vivere come ce l’hai tu: SCEGLI VEGAN!

Nella notte silente, tra le stelle dorate,
Nove anime di capretti sono state salvate.
Dalle grinfie dell’allevamento oppressivo,
Sono stati liberati con gesto decisivo.

Sotto il manto della luna, gli angeli dell’ALF
Hanno protetto queste creature con amore e calore,
Li hanno condotti via dalla prigionia crudele,
Verso una vita nuova, libera e fedele.

Le loro zampette danzano sulla terra fresca,
I loro occhi brillano di una luce turchese,
Libertà è il loro canto, nel vento sussurrato,
Nove vite riempite di speranza e di fiato.

Ora vagano nei prati, tra i fiori e i ruscelli,
Lontano dal dolore, dai mali e dagli incastri.
Sono gli ambasciatori di un mondo più gentile,
Dove la compassione trionfa su ogni ostacolo vile.

Che la storia di questi capretti sia un inno alla libertà,
Che il loro coraggio e la loro resilienza siano un’eterna verità.
E che il richiamo della vita selvaggia sia sempre udito,
Nell’abbraccio della natura, nel cuore d’universo infinito.



Mid February, Bavaria Germany.

According to reports in hunting media, two hunting areas near Würzburg in Bavaria have been vandalised by activists.

At least three concrete pipe traps were destroyed, along with the wildlife cameras set up around them.

Thilo Duschner, the hunter and owner of the traps and wildlife cameras, says the attack was no coincidence. He believes it was the work of animal rights activists, not pranksters, as the traps were quite far apart and all destroyed on the same day.

His loss as a result of the attack was in the region of 800 euros.


8th March, North Italy.


“Hunting is legalized murder that wreaks havoc among wildlife every year during the hunting season. However, there are other victims that both during the hunting season and at its end suffer the consequences: hunters’ dogs. Exploited as breeders, trained with electric collars and sticks, held in cages, treated as slaves, regarded not as sentient beings and companions but as “auxiliaries” (a definition used by hunters that denotes the purely instrumental relationship they establish with their dogs) as long as they are good at hunting and then left to die amid excruciating suffering in the shadows and in solitude in dilapidated facilities. Many are abandoned on the streets or even killed when they are no longer needed or if considered “defective” on par with a botched factory product.

Tonight we entered one of these run down sheds to rescue 6 dogs that were always left in the dark during the day. We found them frightened, in the dirt and entrusted them to people who will guarantee them a decent life and above all a chance to know cuddles and human warmth, the love they have never known and would never know otherwise.




“La caccia è un assassinio legalizzato che ogni anno durante il periodo venatorio fa una vera e propria carneficina tra la fauna selvatica. Ci sono però altre vittime che sia durante la stagione venatoria che al suo termine ne subiscono le conseguenze: i cani dei cacciatori. Sfruttati come fattrici, addestrati con collari elettrici e bastoni, detenuti nei serragli, trattati da schiavi, considerati non esseri senzienti e compagni di viaggio, ma come “ausiliari” (definizione usata dai cacciatori che denota il rapporto puramente strumentale che instaurano con i loro cani) fintanto sono bravi a cacciare e poi lasciati morire tra atroci sofferenze nell’ombra e in solitudine in strutture fatiscenti. Molti vengono abbandonati in strada o addirittura uccisi quando non servono più o se considerati “difettati” al pari di un prodotto di fabbrica malriuscito.

Stanotte siamo entrati in una di queste baraccopoli per liberare 6 cani che durante il giorno erano lasciati sempre al buio. Li abbiamo trovati spaventati, nello sporco e li abbiamo affidati a persone che gli garantiranno una vita dignitosa e soprattutto la possibilità di conoscere carezze e calore umano, l’ amore che non hanno mai conosciuto e mai avrebbero conosciuto.




8th March, Portland OR USA.

Received anonymously via email:

“Last night we cut off the tiny padlock to the breaker box of a butcher shop “pasture pdx” and shut off their power to make the flesh they butchered unsellable. we also sealed the lock on the door with spray foam insulation. We also shut power to two adjacent stores because it was fun. These things are easily reproduceable and we encourage anarchists to think outside of the box. you can do other things then smash windows.

we dedicate this act to Jack, the Susaron 4 comrades in chile, and all antispeciesists who have been put in cages. for total freedom!

-some anarchists”