1st September, Midlands, UK

Received anonymously via email:

“In solidarity with Palestinians all across the world. No one should be imprisoned, persecuted or murdered because they are ‘othered’ by the oppressors.

We waited for the unknowing farmers to turn off their lights and go to bed, then we crept across a field and found a giant barn. A vast, concrete building with no windows. Not a sign off life to be found. We found our way into the shed where we were met with a wall of hens. Thousands and thousands of birds on metal levels. Each one, an individual, who will never get to be treated as such. Apart from the 41 hens who we were able to set free from a life of abuse. We carried them to safety, but we had to leave behind thousands of others.

Let this be a clear message to everyone reading this: we can all change the world for so many animals, we just need to plan, execute and fuck some shit up!

Some anarchists.”


23 July, Greece.

[editor’s note: Tsakiris egg factory runs 19 separate egg farms in the area. On the night of the 22nd of July, their main egg sorting facility was completely destroyed by fire. Greenpeace took the opportunity to say that thousands of birds had been murdered by the blaze, which ensured that a big percentage of the news coverage was about the imaginary death of chicks at a factory where no animals are housed. This action did not result in the death of any egg laying chickens as it was the central sorting and packaging factory that was attacked.]

Via Athens Indymedia.

ENGLISH (translation): 

“We take responsibility for the arson of the egg production company TSAKIRIS FAMILY in the area of Thessaloniki.

Your regret for your destroyed “property” is a source of amusement for us. You are not businessmen, you are murderers of millions of animals. Thousands of animals every day die under miserable conditions for the taste of their flesh, providing incalculable profits to their masters. Sentient beings that can feel every emotion we feel are treated as raw material for capitalist production.

In a world where the extermination of the defenseless (animals) is a normality, we refuse to be part of it. We refuse to passively watch the slaughter and fight with fire. We do not wait for the “time” to come to deal with animals as the graphic professional revolutionaries ask us to do. We determine that the time is now and we move forward with unyielding struggle.

Until the last animal Auschwitz is closed.


PS1: If you rebuild it, we’ll burn it again.

PS2: There is a lot of garbage that in one way or another contributes to the extermination of animals. By far the most miserable of these are the meat-eating environmentalists.”

GREEK (original):

“Αναλαμβάνουμε την ευθύνη για τον εμπρησμό της αυγοπαραγωγικής εταιρίας TSAKIRIS FAMILY στην περιοχή της Θεσσαλονίκης.

Η λύπη σας για την κατεστραμμένη «περιούσια» σας αποτελεί πηγή διασκέδασης για μας. Δεν είστε επιχειρηματίες, είστε δολοφόνοι εκατομμυρίων ζώων. Χιλιάδες ζώα κάθε μέρα πεθαίνουν υπό άθλιες συνθήκες για τη γεύση της σάρκας τους, προσφέροντας ανυπολόγιστα κέρδη στα αφεντικά. Αισθανόμενα όντα που μπορούν να νιώσουν κάθε συναίσθημα που νιώθουμε κι εμείς, αντιμετωπίζονται ως πρώτη ύλη της καπιταλιστικής παραγωγής.

Σε ένα κόσμο που η εξόντωση των ανυπεράσπιστων (ζώων) αποτελεί κανονικότητα, εμείς αρνούμαστε να είμαστε μέρος της. Αρνούμαστε να κοιτάμε παθητικά τη σφαγή και πολεμάμε με φωτιά. Δεν περιμένουμε να «έρθει η ώρα» να ασχοληθούμε με τα ζώα όπως μας ζητάνε οι γραφικοί επαγγελματίες επαναστάτες. Ορίζουμε εμείς ότι η κατάλληλη ώρα είναι τώρα και προχωράμε με ανυποχώρητο αγώνα.

Μέχρι να κλείσει και το τελευταίο Άουσβιτς των ζώων.


ΥΓ1: Αν το ξαναχτίσετε, θα το ξανακάψουμε.

ΥΓ2: Υπάρχουν πολλά σκουπίδια που με τον ένα τροπο ή τον άλλο συμβάλουν στην εξόντωση των ζώων. Μακράν τα αθλιότερα από αυτά είναι οι κρεατοφάγοι οικολόγοι.”


23rd August, Oregon USA.

Received anonymously via email:

‘The target was a Portland and Western Railroad bridge/trestle over the Willamette River between Lake Oswego and Milwaukie, Oregon.

We will respond to the civilisation that destroys the earth and the possibility of free life with destruction in turn.

“The track is closed to railroad traffic at this time.”

“P&W (PNWR) traffic will be rerouted for quite a while, so Cornelius Pass may see a lot more action for a long time.”

“There is some structural damage to the trestle, which is operated by P&W Railroad.”

PNWR has a diverse traffic base based on carload commodities. Woodchips, paper, agricultural goods, and aggregates are all major sources of traffic. Primary amongst the road’s over 135 customers are Stimson Lumber Company, Cascade Steel Rolling Mills, Georgia Pacific, and Hampton Lumber Sales. The rail also transports Oil from Exxon Mobile, Asphalt, and petroleum products.

Rail is a primary method of transportation of materials for the industry that makes war possible.

The industrial activity responsible for climate collapse has no real interest in stopping its devastation but instead insists on pretending to be environmentally friendly and using terms such as “green energy”, with new sources of extractive energy that are still harmful to ecosystems and our lives; And above all, with the clarity that each of us are the only ones who can combat the advance of devastation, we see the urgency of attacking the industry that destroys the earth, adding our initiative and action to the internationalist campaign. Switch Off!”

May this action be a warm greeting of solidarity to those who have stuck blows such as the attacks on Cement Plants in Germany, the Mapuche Warriors fighting in Chile, Saboteurs of the Mountain
Valley Pipeline in West Vriginia, attackers of the techno-fascist progressive “green energy” project “Tesla”, efforts against the military production companies such as Elbit powering the genocide of Palestinians, those steady fustrating the efforts of Cop City in Atlanta, GA, and all those who take action recognizing that attack must be immediate and everywhere the facilities and means of those
responsible for the devastation are located, contributing to dialogue through direct action and attack.

For those who we walk with on the offensive we greet warmly.
We take this action as a carrying of our dead.
We have not forgotten and we carry on.
Switch Off! The System Of Destruction
– some anarchists’


25th August, Valencia, Spain.

According to pro-hunting media, a hunter in Marines, Valencia, came back from a day of murdering to find their car scratched and nails placed just under the tyres with the intention of popping the tyres when driving away.

The Valencia hunting federation said the attack was extremely worrisome and (whilst they did not offer economic support to the hunter) they did offer to share the attack on social media.

They say this is not the first time hunters in the area are attacked by unknown locals.


20th August, Lombardia, Italy

Received anonymously via email:

ENGLISH (translated)

“We received a tip-off and promptly took action to release 2 animals caught using cage traps by the criminal human.

ALL traps (5) were completely destroyed and, therefore, rendered harmless.

FREE AND DESTROY, always, anyway, everywhere!!!

A.L.F. The Wolf Brigade”

ITALIAN (original):

“Abbiamo ricevuto una segalazione e tempestivamente siamo intervenuti
per liberare 2 animali catturati utilizzando trappole a gabbia dall’umano criminale.
TUTTE le trappole (5) sono state completamente distrutte e, quindi, rese inoffensive.
LIBERATE E DISTRUGGETE, sempre, comunque, ovunque!!!
A.L.F. The Wolf Brigade”


July, Chile.

Received anonymously via email:

“July 2024, territory dominated by the Chilean state.

Two rabbits rescued from a clandestine slaughterhouse. Anti-speciesist individuals headed to a clandestine slaughterhouse during the early hours of the morning to carry out a rescue. When we arrived at the entrance of the place we found dogs that were being used to hunt rabbits that had managed to escape from this infernal place. We managed to rescue 2 rabbits that were fleeing in the rural sector and then relocate them and be welcomed into a home where they will live free of exploitation and speciesism.

With this small but valuable action we want to send a complicit greeting to the three anti-speciesist companions Tortu, Panda and Ru. Those who remain in preventive detention kidnapped in the Santiago 1 prison, waiting for their early release to the street.

Animal and land liberation, whatever the cost. Against all forms of domination. Against all cages and prisons. “


August, North UK.

Received anonymously via email:

“We have been paying attention to a particular scummy farmer who among other abuses likes to murder turkeys and sell their corpses for Christmas. They also, like many farmers, love to trap and shoot foxes. It doesn’t seem to matter how many mammal traps they find broken into pieces and strewn across the fields, they keep getting more.

This farmer had recently got themselves a new massive fox trap and placed it, ready for future use, in the enclosure they planned to put the turkeys in once they grew a bit larger.

We took the cage apart, making sure the farmer didn’t have a hope in hell of repairing and using it on unsuspecting foxes. We then got to work destroying the turkey enclosure and writing a few messages for our farmer friend to read in the morning. We cut large holes in the thick tarp ceiling and walls of the tunnels and they won’t be able to house any birds there without a number of repairs.

Until every cage is empty and bashed. Solidarity to all prisoners of every species, especially our anarchist comrades, from Chile to the UK to the so called USA.”


8th July, Midlands UK.

Received anonymously via email:


It’s always worth having a sneak around at night. After a visit to a farm we knew sold turkeys for Christmas, we managed to locate were the babies they’d be murdering come December were. Young and curious they slept on a filthy concrete floor with little bedding in a barn right next to the farmers house. But we can be quiet and fast when we have to, we took as many as we had good homes for. 26 escaped that night and will not have their bodies commodified or their lives brutally cut short for a Christmas table spread. Fuck anyone and everyone who objectifies, exploits and profits from this bloody business that turns lives into products.

Sending love, solidarity and rage to our comrades in Chile. Presos Susaron a la calle!”