22nd January, Mogi das Cruzes

During the early hours of Sunday, an activist took direct action at a breeding facility in Mogi das Cruzes and liberated chicks that were confined in small cardboard boxes without almost any air.



23rd January, France

269 Libération Animale staged their latest liberation in a slaughterhouse during the night of the 23rd of January. They produced a video called “REGARDE MOI (LOOK AT ME) – EYES DON’T SMILE”

“« EYES DON’T SMILE – LIBERATION #5 » / Official video of the direct action of Patrick’s liberation, pig rescued & exfiltrated from a slaughterhouse by activists of 269 Libération Animale on the 23rd of January 2018.

Turn the sound on. Listen. And please share!

When will you join us?”


22nd January, Italy.

During the night, an ALF cell in Italy connected seven butcher shops in Via Padova. They left notes reading “MEAT=MURDER” and “FREE ANIMALS”. They also made sure that the locks would not open when the butchers try the next morning.

“We wanted to give a clear message to these animal torturers. We are not waiting any longer. Every day there are thousands of animals imprisoned, deprived of their lives and freedom to end up in a slaughterhouse with a blade on their throats. Horses, cows, lambs and rabbits are treated like objects and not sentient beings. This is unacceptable and we must stop this violence by any means necessary.

Via: A.L.F. Fronte Liberazione Animale Italia


30th January, France

“Nine lives with a programmed end. Nine individuals negated, ill and condemned that now are liberated. Stop respecting this oppressive legal system that transforms the lives of sentient beings into goods. The time of petitions and begging is now over.”

Via: CRANS Collectif Radical Antispeciste


26th January, Germany.

anonymous report:
“Revenge on the hambi-coal-rails.

On Friday, 26.01.2018, we switched off the RWE-coalrails. From a safe source, an autonomic anarchist-group got the information about what happened on monday, 22.01.2018 at the barricade eviction in the Hambacher forest.

Parliamentarians were invited for a “viewing on the police-work”. The police aided even the right-extremist politicians of AfD through the forest, safeguarded by 100 cops and a helicopter, not caring about the promise that AfD was not invited. It was a demonstration of power that ended embarrassing for both, police and RWE, because of the effective resistance of the activists in the forest. They were not able to evict successfully the barricades. To set precedence they locked up eleven people and sent them to court. They are still inside because they refused to give their ID to the oppressive system.

We want to show our highest appreciation to each and every one of them! The behaviour of RWE and government is disgusting, so we decided to come to NRW and switch off the coal-railway. The burning short circuit that we caused on the electricity-cables should teach them one thing: For every action, a reaction.

The principle is easy: From the top of a bridge let down nylon strings with weights on them on the left and right side of the cables down to the rails. Throw down the metal wire that is connected to the nylon strings and allow the short circuit to happen! Remember to close your eyes!

We will not doubt to come back and retaliate even more if things go further. We will always support those that are fighting against this oppressive government and we will take revenge in their names.

With love and solidarity to all prisoners.



9th January, London Ontario.

Two rabbits used as “breeding stock” liberated from a rabbit meat farm in London Ontario. Now they will live a life of freedom away from exploitation and cages.