Received anonymously via email:

“It is common to hear folks eager to take action but not knowing how to start. It can be daunting to take the step into direct action when you do not have people around you to train you. Yet, direct action has always been rooted into DIY culture, and because of security concerns, people taking direct action don’t normally tend to open up to newcomers. With this short series I want to propose steps to empower yourself into taking action by utilising the concept of anarchist calisthenics, even if it doesn’t necessarily fit the description!

So what is Anarchist Calisthenics? A term coined by James C. Scott explaining that small acts of resistance build the muscles for bigger acts of disobedience. Whilst James proposes a future where we will be forced to fight back, I would say that we are already there, and the need to fight back against oppression is already heavily felt by many. The jaws of the machine are strong, and sometimes it is difficult to feel empowered enough to push back against things that feel extremely oppressive, so anarchist calisthenics proposes a playful training ground where daily acts of insubordination to the status quo gets us more comfortable with the idea of throwing blows back!

Anarchist calisthenics might perhaps not completely fit into how to empower oneself to take direct action for animal liberation, but it gives us a good guideline: start small, with innocuous actions, and build a spirit of continuos resistance through the mundane, so that in the future when you see the big monster of speciesism you are already prepared to punch back, knowing that you can indeed fight with might!

In future parts of the series we will discuss ideas for small acts of resistance against speciesism, but I would like to pose the question to all of you. Without claiming responsibility and incriminating yourself, what small actions can people do to get comfortable with taking action?

Fight back, until we win!”


February, Athens Greece.

via: Greek indymedia.

ENGLISH (translation):

“Taking responsibility for intervention-sabotage at the Varvakeio market on Ash Wednesday




Tradition, customs and traditions are an informal framework of values that are still observed in modern culture. In Greek tradition in particular, the killing and mass consumption of non-human animals according to the Christian calendar is deeply rooted. One of these days is Tsiknopesthuy, on which countless animals are tortured and murdered on the altar of human profit and entertainment. While it has been translated as a day of celebration, it is nothing less than the human species’ tendency to dominate, dominate and torture other species. Ash Wednesday is yet another point in the capitalist system in which man, industry and corporations enrich themselves at the expense of non-human animals in the most cannibalistic way. On that day and beyond, millions of animals are taken to slaughterhouses because of demand. Massively people tend to uncontrolled consumption of carcasses because of tradition.

The Varvakeios market of Athens, apart from the central meat market, was for many years a slaughterhouse, where hundreds of animals, mainly chickens, were killed every day. People from all the suburbs flocked there with their live animals to turn them into pieces of meat. In recent years, the operation of the Barbican had shrunk mainly due to the massive expansion of super markets in the neighborhoods and price competition. But one thing hasn’t changed, the dismembered animal carcasses inside its windows. In the time of the economic crisis, the surrounding area was deserted and today it is a “fillet” in the hands of the respective investors. With the rapid touristization of recent years, an attempt is being made to gentrify the area, followed by a fashion of “embracing” – exploiting – traditions, creating a nostalgic atmosphere around the “traditional” professions. In complete harmony with the tourist guides of other European cities, in Athens too, tourists are invited to take a stroll through the Kenyan market and shop for traditional products against a backdrop of skinned carcasses hanging from the tongs. In this way the butcher’s stalls become a background for a photo shoot.

In full agreement with this grotesque situation comes the opening of a pop-up night club in the third arcade of Varvakeion. Suddenly some nights, dazzling spotlights, luxury cars, doormen, railings pop up. The whole scene of nocturnal Athens is transported between the showcases that in the morning were adorned with dead animals, people of all ages dancing wildly on the floor that in the morning will drip with the blood of the beasts. Commodity, money, alienation. No one thinks at that moment about the dead animal, the one being dismembered, the one being sold, the one being roasted next to them – just for effect. In this process, the marketplace acquires a new meaning and content, purifying its true commercial function.

We thus decided, on the evening of Ash Wednesday 20 February 2025, to intervene in this capitalist fiesta with ampoules of stink, causing a small proportional economic sabotage of the businesses that profit on the torture, slaughter and exploitation of animals. On a symbolic level, we hope it served as a reminder to patrons of what space they are in by simulating the stench of the ampoule to that of slaughterhouses and butcher shops. This little intervention lasted only a few minutes, but it was enough for everyone to run away and empty the space. A place where since the morning of Ash Wednesday, with the help of the Municipality of Athens, the bodies of many sentient animals were roasted.

The discomfort of the night users of the Barbican strongly reminded us of the discomfort we feel as we walk outside in the mornings, smelling the death of slaughtered flesh.



GREEK (original):

“Ανάληψη ευθύνης για παρέμβαση-σαμποτάζ στη Βαρβάκειο αγορά την Τσικνοπέμπτη




Η παράδοση, τα ήθη και τα έθιμα αποτελούν ένα άτυπο πλαίσιο αξιών που τηρούνται ακόμα και στον σύγχρονο πολιτισμό. Στην ελληνική παράδοση συγκεκριμένα είναι βαθιά ριζωμένη η θανάτωση και η μαζική κατανάλωση μη ανθρώπινων ζώων κατά το χριστιανικό ημερολόγιο. Μία από αυτές τις ημέρες είναι και η Τσικνοπέμπτη, κατά την οποία βασανίζονται και δολοφονούνται αμέτρητα ζώα στο βωμό του κέρδους και της διασκέδασης του ανθρώπου. Ενώ έχει μεταφραστεί ως μέρα γιορτής, δεν αποτελεί τίποτα λιγότερο από την τάση του ανθρώπινου είδους να εξουσιάζει, κυριαρχεί και βασανίζει άλλα είδη. Η Τσικνοπέμπτη αποτελεί ακόμη ένα σημείο στο καπιταλιστικό σύστημα κατά το οποίο ο άνθρωπος, οι βιομηχανίες και οι εταιρείες πλουτίζουν εις βάρος των μη ανθρώπινων ζώων με τον πιο κανιβαλιστικό τρόπο. Εκείνη την ημέρα, και όχι μόνο, οδηγούνται σε σφαγεία εκατομμύρια ζώα λόγω της ζήτησης. Μαζικά τείνουν οι άνθρωποι στην ανεξέλεγκτη κατανάλωση πτωμάτων λόγω της παράδοσης.

Η Βαρβάκειος αγορά της Αθηνας, πέρα από την κεντρική κρεαταγορά αποτελούσε για πολλά χρόνια και σφαγείο, όπου εκατοντάδες ζώα, κυρίως κοτόπουλα, δολοφονούνταν κάθε μερα. Άνθρωποι από όλα τα προάστια συνέρρεαν εκεί με τα ζωντανά ζώα τους για να τα μετατρέψουν σε κομμάτια κρέατος. Τα τελευταία χρόνια η λειτουργία της Βαρβακείου είχε συρρικνωθεί κυρίως λόγω της μαζικής επέκτασης των super market στις γειτονιές και του ανταγωνισμού των τιμών. Ένα πράγμα όμως δεν άλλαξε, τα διαμελισμένα πτώματα των ζώων μέσα στις βιτρίνες της. Την εποχή της οικονομικής κρίσης, η γύρω περιοχή ερήμωσε και σήμερα αποτελεί “φιλέτο” στα χέρια των εκάστοτε επενδυτών. Με την ραγδαία τουριστικοποίηση των τελευταίων χρόνων γίνεται μια προσπάθεια εξευγενισμού της ευρύτερης περιοχής συνακολουθούμενη με μια μόδα “αγκαλιάσματος” – εκμετάλλευσης – των παραδόσεων δημιουργώντας μια νοσταλγική ατμόσφαιρα γύρω από τα “παραδοσιακά” επαγγέλματα. Σε μια πλήρη σύμπνοια με τους τουριστικούς οδηγούς των άλλων ευρωπαϊκών πόλεων, έτσι και στην Αθήνα οι τουρίστες καλούνται να περάσουν μια βόλτα από την κεντική αγορά και να ψωνίσουν παραδοσιακά προϊόντα με φόντο τα γδαρμένα κουφάρια κρεμασμένα από τα τσιγκέλια. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο οι πάγκοι του χασάπη μετατρέπονται σε φόντο φωτογράφισης.

Σε πλήρη συμφωνία με αυτήν την τραγελαφική κατάσταση έρχεται να κουμπώσει το άνοιγμα ενός νυχτερινού pop-up club μέσα στην τρίτη στοά της Βαρβακείου. Ξαφνικά κάποια βράδια, ξεπροβάλλουν εκτυφλωτικοί προβολείς, αυτοκίνητα πολυτελείας, πορτιέρηδες, κιγκλιδώματα. Όλο το σκηνικό της νυχτερινής Αθήνας μεταφέρεται ανάμεσα στις προθήκες που το πρωί κοσμούσαν νεκρά ζώα, άνθρωποι όλων των ηλικιών χορεύουν ξέφρενα στο πάτωμα που το πρωί θα στάζει το αίμα των κτηνών. Εμπόρευμα, χρήμα, αλλοτρίωση. Κανείς δεν σκέφτεται εκείνη την στιγμή το νεκρό ζώο, αυτό που τεμαχίζεται, αυτό που πουλήθηκε, αυτό που ψήνεται δίπλα τους – μόνο και μόνο για το εφέ. Μέσα σε αυτή τη διαδικασία ο χώρος της αγοράς αποκτά νέο νοήμα και περιεχόμενο, εξαγνίζοντας την πραγματική εμπορική του λειτουργία.

Αποφασίσαμε έτσι, το βράδυ της Τσικνοπέμπτης 20 Φλεβάρη 2025 να παρέμβουμε στην καπιταλιστική αυτή φιέστα με αμπούλες βρώμας, προκαλώντας ένα μικρό αναλογικά οικονομικό σαμποτάζ στις επιχειρήσεις που κερδοσκοπούν πάνω στο βασανισμό, τη σφαγή και την εκμετάλλευση των ζώων. Σε συμβολικό επίπεδο ελπίζουμε να λειτούργησε ως υπενθύμιση στους θαμώνες σε ποιο χώρο βρίσκονται προσομοιάζοντας την μπόχα της αμπούλας με αυτήν των σφαγείων και των κρεοπωλείων. Η μικρή αυτή παρέμβαση διήρκησε μόλις μερικά λεπτά, ήταν όμως αρκετά για να φύγουν όλοι τρέχοντας και να αδειάσει ο χώρος. Ένας χώρος όπου από το πρωί της Τσικνοπέμπτης με την αρωγή του Δήμου Αθηναίων ψήθηκαν τα κορμιά πολλών αισθανόμενων ζώων.

Η δυσφορία των νυχτερινών χρηστών της Βαρβακείου μας θύμισε έντονα την δυσφορία που νιώθουμε εμείς καθώς περνάμε απ’ έξω τα πρωινά, μυρίζοντας τον θάνατο από σφαγμένες σάρκες.




February, Finland.

Received anonymously via email:

“The last five months in Finland have been an emotional time for many hunters. During this period, a total of 50 hunting towers in southern Finland have been targeted by ALF activists. Towers have been sawed down, destroyed or toppled, and in addition to this, hunters’ equipment, such as trail cameras and other gear, has been stolen. In addition a hunting store has been subjected to sabotage, including broken windows. The hunting tower attacks have been continuously highlighted in various local news outlets, and hunters have portrayed themselves as the victims of these incidents, even though the real victims are the persecuted and hunted animals, who have no means of escape from humans’ twisted lust for murder. We intend to continue our actions against the oppressors of animals for as long as necessary. The murdering will not continue without resistance.”


20th February, North Italy.

ENGLISH (translation):

“When it comes to animals, institutions almost always do not exist. This is one of many cases that we have had to solve (for the second time in two years) in our own way because, although the law exists, the state decides that if it comes to animals, we can wait (months, years, forever?) waiting, perhaps, for them to be forgotten.

Should we forget about dogs left night and day without water inside a nailed-down pallet little more than their size unable to take more than a step? About chickens and ducks living in a few meters without adequate food and in deplorable hygienic conditions, filthy with mud and droppings, surrounded by rats, with injured legs and wings?about little birds inside cramped and dirty aviaries hatched to be illegally sold?

They were 21 animals kept inside a few square meters in the dark, without air in a dilapidated structure equipped only with a small grate placed on top, living beings in a serious state of suffering that could not be forgotten about, and so after seeing, we decided to act by releasing them and bringing them to safety.

We also did damage to everything inside and outside the structure.

This dilapidated shack has been declared illegal by the authorities and is waiting for the municipality to follow up on the application for its demolition but, for years, its “owner” has been imprisoning animals of various species by keeping them in conditions incompatible with their nature (as established by law) and the authorities postpone the established intervention as they are busy with “more serious things.” But we ask the Lords of Power what is more serious for an institution than punishing offenders of a crime, fighting injustice and restoring dignity to sentient and innocent beings by thus establishing a clear line (which should never be crossed) between what is right and what is not, between what is human and what is inhuman? By not doing so, the ‘authority admits not only that the law is not the same for everyone but also pulls down the mask on its own cruelty, which is that of a social and cultural system now adrift. Having no compassion the human being is doomed to extinction. We confidently await that day certain that the deprived nature of the human species will be able to regain vigor, nobility, dignity and thrive in the beauty and harmony with which she alone is endowed.

That said, we specify that for us any law that allows the exploitation of animals for human purposes is unjust and we fight for animal liberation-the only law to which we respond today, tomorrow and forever.


ITALIAN (original):

“Quando si tratta di animali quasi sempre le istituzioni non esistono. Questo è uno dei tanti casi che abbiamo dovuto risolvere (per la seconda volta in due anni) a modo nostro perchè, nonostante la legge esista, lo Stato decide che, se si tratta di animali, si può aspettare (mesi, anni, per sempre?) in attesa, forse, che ci si dimentichi.

Dovremmo dimenticarci di cani lasciati notte e giorno senza acqua all’interno di un bancale inchiodato largo poco più delle loro dimensioni impossibilitati nel fare più di un passo? di galline e anatre che convivono in pochi metri senza cibo adeguato e in condizioni igieniche deplorevoli, sporchi di fango e deiezioni, circondati dai topi, con zampe e ali ferite?di uccellini all’interno di anguste e sporche voliere fatti nascere per essere illegalmente venduti?

Erano n°21 animali detenuti all’interno di pochi metri quadrati al buio, senza aria in una struttura fatiscente dotata solo di una piccola grata posizionata in alto, esseri viventi in grave stato di sofferenza dei quali non ci si poteva dimenticare e quindi dopo aver visto, abbiamo deciso di agire liberandoli e portandoli al sicuro.

Abbiamo anche arrecato danni a tutto ciò che era presente dentro e fuori la struttura.

Questa baracca fatiscente è stata dichiarata abusiva dalle autorità ed è in attesa che il Comune dia seguito all’istanza di abbattimento ma, da anni, il suo “proprietario” imprigiona animali di varie specie detenendoli in condizioni incompatibili con la loro natura (come stabilito dalla legge) e le autorità rimandano l’intervento stabilito poichè impegnate in “cose più serie”. Ma noi domandiamo ai Signori del Potere che cosa ci sia di più serio per un’istituzione del punire i trasgressori di un reato, combattere le ingiustizie e riconsegnare la dignità ad esseri senzienti e innocenti stabilendo in questo modo una linea netta di confine (che non dovrebbe mai essere oltrepassata) tra ciò che è giusto e ciò che non lo è, tra ciò che è umano e ciò che è DISUMANO? Non facendolo l’ autorità ammette non solo che la legge non è uguale per tutti ma fa calare la maschera sulla propria crudeltà che è quella di un sistema sociale e culturale oramai alla deriva. Non avendo nessuna compassione l’essere umano è condannato all’estinzione. Noi attendiamo con fiducia quel giorno certi che la natura privata della specie umana potrà riprendere vigore, nobiltà, dignità e prosperare nella bellezza e armonia di cui solo lei è dotata.

Detto questo specifichiamo che per noi ogni legge che ammette lo sfruttamento degli animali per scopi umani è ingiusta e combattiamo per la liberazione animale: l’unica legge a cui rispondiamo oggi, domani e per sempre.



At 80 years old, Leonard has finally arrived home following one of the last presidential orders Joe Biden would sign before leaving office. He was accused of the murder of two FBI agents in Pine Ridge, during an armed altercation that also saw a member of the American Indian Movement dead back in 1975. Since the beginning of his imprisonment he has maintained his innocence, and multiple groups have shown that the FBI had no evidence that Peltier was the shooter that made contact with those two FBI agents.

Joe Biden did not pardon Peltier. He signed an allowance to serve the rest of his life sentence in house arrest, so Peltier now is confined to his house and immediate community. Nevertheless, this means he has access to the people around him without the oppressive eyes of the prison system, and it also means he now can access medical care he so immediately needs. When being asked why he wouldn’t plead guilt and remorse in front of parole boards in an attempt to gain his freedom sooner, he says “Well, that’s just not what I’m fighting for, grandson,” ‘I’m sorry for what happened to those agents, but I’m not going to sit here and admit to something I didn’t do. And if I have to die in here for that, I’m going to.’”

Now, back in North Dakota, he says sometimes he still wakes up terrified that it was all a dream and he is still in a cell, but he feels positive about young natives still keeping up the fight. “It makes me feel so good, man, it does,” “I’m thinking, well, I didn’t give my life for nothing.”

Welcome back home, Leonard. We all keep fighting.


Read below an anonymously sent report back of the counter demonstration against Britain First national march and the writer’s thoughts on antifascism organising in the UK.


Britain First made no secret of their planned march and rally for St David’s day in Nuneaton. They got council approval to set up a large stage with expensive screen and sound equipment in the ironically named ‘justice centre’ car park. They hired security, Paul Golding begged everyone he could to attend and claimed 10k was spent on the event.

However, I’m sad to say that while there were many ‘Stand up to Racism’ aka ‘Socialist Workers Party’ placards, as to be expected, quite a few communist flags and a Palestinian flag, there wasn’t a single antifascist flag flown…

Trying to get antifascist groups, even the local ones, to attend a fascist event has been like pulling teeth. And while we share the same critiques of SUTR/SWP: they are transphobic, they are misogynistic, there has been a number of fucked up insistences involving them and they insist on not only cooperating with filth like absolute wet wipes but also their stewards will kettle the crowd before the police even start positioning themselves. But a SUTR presence is not an excuse to not oppose fascists. If anything, it makes the need for other groups attendance even greater.

You cannot leave a void that STUR fills and then complain they are occupying all the space.

Only a couple hundred pink-faced nationalists turned up to Nuneaton railway station, where the meet point was. Way too few to carry the thousand union jack and England flags that had been purchased for the event. The much bragged-about coaches from around the country turned out to be mostly empty minibuses. And the march that was due to start at 12 didn’t end up starting till almost 1pm. At that point, despite multiple pleas and warnings given to the crowd by the few antifascists present that they were positioned huddled to the side and would get kettled if they didn’t spread out, the stewards kept everyone in line and trapped. So as predicted, the counter protest was completely kettled by police and their vans while only a dozen antifascists went up against the line of police protecting Britain First as they marched down the street. The police were quick to use violence on the only actual resistance to the march. Vastly outnumbered by cops after awhile antifascists were pushed and dragged away by police who couldn’t hide their excitement at getting to use force. When about 10 antifascists had been pushed to the side to allow the BF march to go past, they ran down a side street in order to cut across and get back in front of the march. A gang of police took chase, pulled out their batons, and started threatening with breach of the peace and section 3. A few of them looked about ready to cum in their pants as they excitedly brandished their little metal rods. The kind of confidence you only see in the filth when they outnumber you and know it.

All this time the SUTR crowd remained in their self-imposed prison doing nothing by the train station, and it wasn’t until BF was safely at their destination and starting the rally that they moved on and did some drum banging from a safe distance.

If there had been an actual turnout of even just a few dozen more antifascists, we could have stopped that rally from taking place. We could have held their march at the train station till they were forced to go home. As has happened in the past. Instead, folks are too busy sitting in armchairs and complaining about how other groups do it badly to actually get to the streets and do it better. We need a presence, we need to recruit, and we need to teach crowds how to keep each other safe.

Just because we’ve got bigger and newer contenders to deal with, like Reform and Patriotic Alternative, that doesn’t mean that the pathetic BF aren’t capable of digging themselves out of the grave. And marches calling for “remigration”, stoking up racist and unfounded fears of a “demographic replacement” should always be opposed no matter how laughable we expect the turn out to be. If history and current events have taught us anything its how fast the political landscape can change and how vulnerable we make ourselves when we don’t organise and resist. And don’t mistake this failure of an event as a sign we don’t need to worry. The far right are organising and as we’ve seen with Reform they are gaining public support as well as opposition.

If you call yourself antifascist then you need to start asking yourself some questions. Where are you when the fascists are organising? Where are you when the fascists are marching? Where are you when they hold their rallies? Paul Golding claimed they have another event in the works, set to take place in Birmingham. So keep your eyes peeled and get your mates together.

Antifascist is not a label you give yourself because you say so. You’re antifascist when you oppose fascism. It requires action. “


At the end of February, we received the wonderful news that Sindre has been released. We congratulate Sindre on the release! We hope that he and his loved ones, as well as his best friend, a pit bull mix named Kenzo, now can spend more time together.

Sindre is an animal rights activist from Sweden. In October 2023, Sindre was sentenced to forensic psychiatric compulsory care, for an indefinite period. (Sindre was also sentenced to pay SEK 10,000 in damages) The verdict refers to prosecution for actions in 2021, against the former fur farmer Niklas Pettersson (the fur farm is now closed, due to years of action). Sindre denies the alleged crime! Sindre was detained immediately after the trial, and then locked up, without an end date. Now he is finally free!

If Sindre had not been sentenced to forensic psychiatric care, his prison sentence would have been four months. Instead, he was locked up in forensic psychiatric care, for almost a year and a half.



The month of February was a tad slow in terms of reports, but this might have just been because our platform took a couple of weeks off so we count receive those reports! We received a total of 9 reports of direct action during the month, five of them from Germany, where activists targeted a butcher shop, a slaughterhouse, hunting towers and rat traps. Spain too hit against hunting by sabotaging a hunting shop in Madrid. The UK turned their sights against vivisection, and Argentina reported the only liberation action for the month.

Reported actions by country: 

UK: 1




[editor’s note, directed at the anonymous senders: Thanks for the submission, keep them coming as often as you wish. Be gay and burn the deathmachine which surrounds you <3 ]

“Sündi is getting cut down, another woodland which capitalism must displace to try and satisfy its insatiable hunger for growth.

Since the 70s, the neighbouring Hambi was already getting logged, until this was halted in 2018. Without the occupation of the Hambacher Forest and the multiform resistance against the evictions, the whole of the Hambi would have been devoured by the mine. Sündi was once part of Hambi, but is now a remaining island of green surrounded by the industrial developments of the Rheinland. In part, this woodland is getting cut so that a yacht harbour can be built in its place, and the gravel which gets removed from the ground, used to construct a beach for tourists.

Contrary to what we expected there was no eviction per se. Instead RWE, who choose to handle the situation themselves – operating as a state within a state, showcasing the power corporations hold and the free reign they are given – went ahead and started clear cutting.

RWE has recruited a private army of security-workers to enable this onslaught, the leaders of which are almost all Nazis or fascist Grey Wolves. Committed to their work-obligations and driven by pure hate against those who think otherwise, these foolish lackeys of the mega-corporations have been driven to destroy their own landbase. This mess is a further indication of the resurgence of facsism in Germany. Let it be a wakeup call for all anti-fascists, that RWE is a harbinger of the nationalistic cancer!

These professional murderers have, with their usual brutality, already crushed most of the Sündi. We watched as tree harvesters and chainsaw teams decimated the majority of the forest in the span of three days. Ground structures were destroyed and at times access to the Sündenwald was completely cut off, with people trying to approach getting attacked and forcibly removed. Trees were being felled whilst forest-defenders were up in structures and traverses protecting what they could. Meanwhile wild animals attempted to flee what was once their home. Even a tree harvester of the company Kettwiger Baumdienst* was decorated with printed insults against the forest-defenders, for example “treekiller 2000” and an image of someone pissing on the Sündenwäldchen. (And this, by a company – who were at the forefront of the ecocide – who drive green trucks with “renewable enegry” written big on the side). Since then, heavy machinery has been used daily here (guarded, since they found out the hard way that this was the only way they could operate) in order to clear the now dead trees, turning what once as an active ecosystem into wood chips on the spot.

People didn’t give up the woodland without a fight and defended it the best they could. Trees were spiked, pumping stations and electricity boxes were sabotaged using a diversity of methods and security were greeted by flaming barricades. The occupation is still standing but the threat of eviction still remains! We are determined to keep what we still have, and fight RWE for every metre of soil they intend to reduce to oblivion. The threat of eviction still remains.

At the same time we feel the need to talk about certain things that have trouble us this far like the coexisted with politicians and NGOs, the use of mainstream media and the notion that the presence of the police might have protected us in this situation (which is especially troubling, as it erases the countless people who have experienced and continue to experience police violence, both within forest occupations and outside of them). All of the above institutions serve as tools of control and coercion that render our strugles toothless, and at worst endanger us and those around us. Alas we understand the need to remain in solidarity with struggles such as this, even if we find ourselves at odds with some of the choices made.

We can’t afford to make any more friendly requests; only open conflict against ecocide and fascism has a chance of success. If we want to survive, if we want nature to live again, then we need to attack with all means the leviathan of “progress” and finally destroy it. Attempting to plunder what natural resources remain, capitalistic progress is leading us to fascism and perpetual war. We call on you, wherever you are, to be in solidarity with the fight against the death grip of RWE. This fight is about so much more than a few trees or a woodland; we fight against the biggest extinction event, since the end of the dinosaurs.

Coordinate yourselves and attack their machines, their underlings and infrastructure. Be gay and burn the deathmachine which surrounds you, unleashing your animalistic vitality. In these cold times, let’s warm ourselves on the fires of our resistance. Defend the forests and the fields, the moors and the marshes, the shores and the mountains. These are the last remaining bastions of hope for life. The assholes complicit in killing the sundi have names and addresses…

P. Meurer – Kaulhausen 57, 41812 Erkenz
Kettwiger Baumdienst – August-Thyssen-Straße 53, 45219 Essen
Forstbetried Corres- Heesweg 16, 41849 Wassenberg
Forst Schauff – Franz-Josef Schauf Widdiger Straße 6, 50389 Wesseling
Beyer Mietservice – Gewerbepark Rother Straße 1, 57539 Roth – Heckenhof

p.s we hate you more than you hate us

some creatures from the Hambacher forest”