March, North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany).
received anonymously via email:
“On a cold starry night, 3 hunting towers were destroyed, 1 (made of steel) was knocked over.
May there be peace in the forest for a while – more towers will fall!”

Defend Direct Action
March, North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany).
received anonymously via email:
“On a cold starry night, 3 hunting towers were destroyed, 1 (made of steel) was knocked over.
May there be peace in the forest for a while – more towers will fall!”
8th March, Hambacher Forst.
received anonymously (translation from Raddle):
“In the Kieswasche Buir branch of the Rheinische Baustoffwerke, 6 or 7 construction machines (backhoe loaders and others) had their windows smashed, cables and pipes cut and some messages against concrete and its devastating role in the growth of civilisation and for anarchy were left.
Indeed, their gravel and sand is used to make concrete and other building materials, but the company also offers its services to others to get rid of their mineral waste. The link with the RWE coal mine next to the forest is more than likely. In addition, this site was built by destroying the habitats of many species.
So many reasons to attack!
Stop civilisation, for anarchy“
March, Sweden
received anonymously via email:
“Several hunting towers destroyed in Sweden. Activists sabotaged yearly lynx hunt in Sweden whilst confronting hunters and doing whats necessary to aggravate the killing of innocent lives.
// Defend the vulnerable”
February, Sjælland Denmark
via: Vegan Activism Denmark (translation)
received via email:
“Hunting tower at huge fur farm (fur farm with room for up to 20,000 individuals) on Zealand sabotaged in February 2022.
All mistreatment is mistreatment – whether it is confining and breeding individuals, or killing wild individuals. It is all in the past and must stop!”
“Jagttårn ved kæmpe pelsfarm (pelsfarm med plads til op mod 20.000 individer) på Sjælland saboteret i februar 2022.
Al mishandling er mishandling – om det er at indespærre og avle individer, eller at dræbe vilde individer. Det hele hører fortiden til og må stoppes!”
Tilsendt via mail.
1st March, Baville estate France.
via Attaque. (translation)
received via email:
“A few nights before the last two hunts of the season on the Baville estate (in Essonne), a group of anarchist antispeciesists trespassed into the hunting grounds.
This domain privatizes the forest: a wall surounds 40 hectares, a castle and a hunting lodge, La Thébaïde. The owners charge 450 euros per day for the hunting trips they organize. Inside the park, wild boars and deer live waiting for death. They are fed and sometimes locked in pens.
After a night of intensive sabotage, 53 watchtowers were smashed, La Thébaïde was covered with tags, and the small wagons that transported the bourgeoisie through the estate were vandalized. If all goes well, the next two scheduled drives, which were the last of the season, will not take place, and the boars will live at least one more year.
We will come back and take the castle.
We are against speciesism and all forms of domination.
Down with speciesism, hunters and the bourgeoisie.
Long live the deer, the boar and the anarchy.
We are against all forms of hunting, whether they are bourgeois and private, or whether they are carried out in the name of the public interest and the “regulation” of populations. Watch out ONF.”
reçu par mail / mardi 1er mars 2022
“Quelques nuits avant l’avant dernière battue de la saison de chasse du domaine de Baville (dans l’Essonne), un groupe d’antispécistes anarchistes s’est introduit dans ce domaine.
Ce domaine privatise la fôret : un mur encercle 40 hectares, un château et un pavillon de chasse, La Thébaïde. Les propriétaires font payer 450 euros à la journée les battues qu’iels organisent. À l’intérieur du parc, des sangliers et des cerfs vivent en attendant une mort prochaine. Iels sont et parfois enfermé.es dans des enclos.
Après une nuit de sabotage intensif, 53 miradors ont étés défoncés, La Thébaïde a été recouverte de tags, et les petits wagons qui transportaient les à travers le domaine ont étés saccagés. Si tout se passe bien, les deux prochaines battues prévues, qui étaient les dernières de la saison, n’auront pas lieu, et les sangliers vivront au moins un an de plus.
On reviendra et on prendra le château.
On est contre le spécisme et toutes les formes de domination.
À bas le spécisme, les chasseurs et la bourgeoisie.
Longue vie aux cerfs, aux sangliers et à l’anarchie.
On est contre toutes les formes de chasses, qu’elles soient bourgeoises et privées, ou qu’elles soient réalisées au nom de l’intérêt public et de la « régulation » des populations. Gare à toi l’ONF.”
February, Sjælland Denmark.
received anonymously:
A slaughterhouse on Zealand has been sabotaged by activists in February 2022. The activists have punctured the tyres of several wagons, spray painted messages and destroyed equipment.”
Et slagteri på Sjælland er blevet saboteret af aktivister i februar 2022. Aktivisterne har punkteret dæk på flere vogne, spraymalet budskaber og mere.”